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Remote Learning Tuesday 7th September

Webex 9.00am
Optional daily Webex sessions will be provided. This is a time for your child to check in, say hello to their classmates and ask any questions about the activities for the day.

Mrs Ryan’s Class- Meeting number: 165 024 4077 Password: hello
Miss O’s Class- Meeting number: 165 649 4734 

Reading fluency 10 – 15 min 

Practice reading a book from Wushka. Use the link below to access new readers online.


Reading Activity 20-30 min

*Please send a photo of your weekend writing to your teacher on SeeSaw.

Learning Intention: We are learning to sequence events in a story.

Success Criteria: I can talk about what has happened in the story. I can  talk about and order the events that have occurred in the story.

Listen to the story

After listening to the story think about what occurred at the beginning of the story. Use the template below. Draw a picture & write a sentence about the beginning of the story.

Beginning, Middle and End Template

Sounds Write Activity

This week for sounds write we will be playing the Game “Connect 4”. Click on the link below to view the game board.

Prep Sounds Write 6th-10th September

Grade 1 Sounds Write 6th-10th September

Grade 1 – watch the video below for ai/ay sound.


Writing Fluency 10-15 min

Practice writing a range of sight words. Copies of the sight words  can be found below. Please select the appropriate list of words you have been using at home & school.

Prep Beginning Sight Words


Writing Activity 20-30 min

Learning Intention: We are learning to write an acrostic poem. 

Success Criteria: I can ensure that each word starts with the allocated sound. I can make sure the word relates to the animal. I can write the first word down the page.


Maths Fluency 10-15 min

Use the interactive number chart link below (link has been updated). Highlight the 5’s counting pattern and practice counting.


Count along with the video below.

Maths Activity 20 min 

Learning Intention: We are learning to make an array. 

Success Criteria:  I can make rows of 2 and 5. I can write a sum to match. 

Make an array of sunshine.

Materials needed

  • Sun & Grid Paper- Please click on this link Sun & Grid Paper
  • Something to write with
  • Crayons to colour
  • Scissors
  • Glue 

Prep- Using the grid paper, draw an array using rows of 2 or  5. Colour in the rows and write the sum. For example;

Cut out your array/rows and glue onto the sun. For example;

Grade 1Using the grid paper, draw an array. You can make rows of 2,3,4,5,6. Colour in the rows and write the sum For example;

Cut out your array/rows and glue onto the sun. For Example;

Big Life Boost 

Think about how you are feeling today.
Choose a picture of a panda that shows how you are feeling today.
Write which one you chose and why.
Ask someone in your house which one they would choose and why.

Specialist Choice Board

Choose an activity from the Specialist Choice Board. Click on the link below to view:



Choose an activity from the Paralympics Rubric. Click on the link below to view:

Paralympics grid


Random Act of Kindness Rubric

Remote Learning Monday 6th September

Webex 9.00am
Optional daily Webex sessions will be provided. This is a time for your child to check in, say hello to their classmates and ask any questions about the activities for the day.

Miss O’s Class- Meeting number: 165 649 4734 Password: hello
Mrs Ryan’s Class- Meeting number: 165 024 4077 Password: hello

Reading fluency 10 – 15 min 

Practice reading a book from Wushka. Use the link below to access new readers online.


Reading Activity 20-30 min

Learning Intention: We are learning to sequence events in a story.

Success Criteria: I can talk about what has happened in the story. I can  talk about and order the events that have occurred in the story.

Listen to the story

After listening to the story think about what occurred at the beginning of the story. Use the template below. Draw a picture & write a sentence about the beginning of the story. Select the page titled beginning & ending.

Beginning, Middle and End Template

Sounds Write Activity

This week for sounds write we will be playing the Game “Connect 4”. Click on the link below to view the game board.

Prep Sounds Write 6th-10th September

Grade 1 Sounds Write 6th-10th September

Writing Fluency 10-15 min

Practice writing a range of sight words. Copies of the sight words  can be found below. Please select the appropriate list of words you have been using at home & school.

Prep Beginning Sight Words


Writing Activity 20-30 min

*Please send a photo of your weekend writing to your teacher on SeeSaw. 

Weekend recount

Learning Intention: We are learning to write a recount.

Success Criteria: I can talk about what I did on the weekend. I can write about what I did in order. I can use the sentence starter ‘On the weekend I …’. I can use capital letters at the beginning of the sentence and full stops at the end.  

Draw a picture of something you did on the weekend. Write about what you did on the weekend.

Prep- Complete your weekend writing with the sentence starter:
‘On the weekend I …’ (write on the lined paper provided in your reader cover)

Grade 1- (and anyone that wants to have a try)- Use the sentence starter ‘On the weekend’ to begin your writing.
Write about what you did on the weekend in order. (write on the lined paper provided in your reader cover)
Use capital letters at the beginning of each sentence. Make sure your sentences end with a full stop. Include some keywords at the beginning of each sentence such as, Next, Then, After, Finally.

Maths Fluency 10-15 min

Use the interactive number chart link below (link has been updated). Highlight the 5’s counting pattern and practice counting.


You may also like to listen to these skip counting videos.


Maths Activity 20 min 

Learning Intention: We are learning to make an array. 

Success Criteria:  I can make rows of 2 and 5. I can write a sum to match. 

Using any resources you have at home, make a monster. Make the eyes of the monster using any materials you have or draw them on. You can cut and paste paper, draw your monster, use playdough or paint, etc. It’s up to you!

Prep- Make rows of 2 or 5. Write the sums to match.

Grade 1 – Make rows of 2,3,4,5,6 or 7. Write the sums to match. 


GEM Activity

Specialist Choice Board

Choose an activity from the Specialist Choice Board. Click on the link below to view:



Choose an activity from the Paralympics Rubric. Click on the link below to view:

Paralympics grid


Random Act of Kindness Rubric

Remote Learning Guide – September 6th-7th

Remote Learning Guide September 6th & 7th

Remote Learning Monday 23rd August

Webex- A webex session will be available at 9:00am. This is a time for your child to check in, say hello to their classmates and ask any questions about the day.
Miss O- Meeting number: 165 649 4734, Password: hello
Mrs Ryan- Meeting number: 165 024 4077,Password: hello

Reading- This week is book week. Choose one of your favourite books to read. Draw a picture of your favourite part and a sentence to match. 

Writing- Weekend recount

Draw a picture of something you did on the weekend. Write about what you did on the weekend.

Prep- Complete your weekend writing with the sentence starter:
‘On the weekend I …’ (write on the lined paper provided in your reader cover)

Grade 1- (and anyone that wants to have a try)- Use the sentence starter ‘On the weekend’ to begin your writing.
Write about what you did on the weekend in order. (write on the lined paper provided in your reader cover)
Use capital letters at the beginning of each sentence. Make sure your sentences end with a full stop. Include some keywords at the beginning of each sentence such as, Next, Then, After, Finally. 


Fluency – Watch the following video and practice skip counting by 2’s. https://youtu.be/GvTcpfSnOMQ 

Activity – Use Lego, toys, pasta, pegs, etc. Make rows/groups of 2. Skip count by 2’s to find the total.

Remote Learning Wednesday 21st July

Webex 9.00am

  • Optional daily Webex sessions will be provided. This is a time for your child to check in, say hello to their classmates and ask any questions about the activities for the day.

Miss O’s Class- Meeting number: 165 649 4734 Password: hello
Mrs Ryan’s Class- Meeting number: 165 648 3896 Password: hello

Reading fluency 10 – 15 min

*Wushka Online texts – Use the link below to access new readers online. If you no longer have your login details please send a message to your teacher via SeeSaw. 


  • Practice reading your books.  Read aloud, read to yourself, even try recording your reading on a device.
  • Read your Sounds-Write words (Grade Preps and Ones) and Oxford words (Grade Ones). You may also like to build your Sounds-Write words.

Reading Activity 20-30 min (use books from your reader cover or Wushka)

  • Read an information book on Wushka https://wushka.com.au/login/ or watch the following video. 
  • Record one or two facts and draw a picture to match. For example – Giraffes are covered in orangey brown spots. This helps them to camouflage.  *Encourage your child to write one or more sentences.



Writing Fluency 10-15 min
Practice handwriting and spelling.

  • Practice handwriting and spelling regularly.
    • Spelling suggestions- use Sounds-Write letter tiles, write words in rainbow colours, use finger paint or chalk, go on a word treasure hunt (parents leave words around the room for children to find and copy).
    • Handwriting suggestions- write words that you know such as family names, toys or other items.

Writing Activity 20-30 min

Information Report

Using your labelled diagram from yesterday write a range of information sentences to describe your toy or explain what your toy does.

  • Prep– My teddy bear has a big black nose. He has two cute fluffy ears.
  • Grade 1– My teddy bear has two shiny black eyes that are made out of glass. He has smooth feet that are made out of leather. He can sit up.


Maths Fluency 10-15 min

  • Practice skip counting by 10s up to and beyond 100. You may choose to write or record this skip counting pattern on an ipad, with chalk on the driveway or write on paper using coloured pens.

Maths Activity

Making teen numbers

  • Prep – Draw two tens frames. Make teen numbers.
  • Here is a video of Miss O explaining the Prep activity.

*Extension- explore making a range of other two digit numbers. Draw additional tens frames to assist with making your numbers.


  • Grade 1Draw two tens frames. Make two digit numbers.
  • Here is a video of Miss O explaining the Grade 1 activity.

*Extension- Add ten more. How many do you now have? Take ten away. How many do you now have? 

25 +10= 35

25- 10= 15


*Online Maths Practice – Use the link below to access our Woodford Primary School IXL sign in page. If you no longer have your login details please send a message to your teacher via SeeSaw. 



Optional Activity

Use the following exercises to get moving! You can follow these examples or come up with your own. Record how many times you perform each activity on a piece of paper/whiteboard or make a video.

Remote Learning Pack for 19th-23rd July – Electronic Copy

Please find below an electronic copy of the Remote Learning Pack for 19th-23rd July.

P-1 2021 Remote Learning July 19-23.docx

Remote Learning Monday 19th July

Webex 9.00am

  • Optional daily Webex sessions will be provided. This is a time for your child to check in, say hello to their classmates and ask any questions about the activities for the day.

Miss O’s Class- Meeting number: 165 649 4734 Password: hello
Mrs Ryan’s Class- Meeting number: 165 648 3896 Password: hello

Reading fluency 10 – 15 min

*Wushka Online texts – Use the link below to access new readers online. If you no longer have your login details please send a message to your teacher via SeeSaw. 


  • Practice reading your books.  Read aloud, read to yourself, even try recording your reading on a device.
  • Read your Sounds-Write words (Grade Preps and Ones) and Oxford words (Grade Ones). You may also like to build your Sounds-Write words.

Reading Activity 20-30 min 

  • Read an information book on Wushka or watch the following video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPf0X0QclXE
  • Record one fact and draw a picture to match. Encourage your child to write keywords or a whole sentence if they can. For example – Cats are carnivores. They eat meat.



Writing Fluency 10-15 min
Practice handwriting and spelling.

  • Practice handwriting and spelling regularly.
    • Spelling suggestions- use Sounds-Write letter tiles, write words in rainbow colours, use finger paint or chalk, go on a word treasure hunt (parents leave words around the room for children to find and copy).
    • Handwriting suggestions- write words that you know such as family names, toys or other items.

Writing Activity 20-30 min

Weekend recount

  • Draw a picture of something you did on the weekend.
  • Write about what you did on the weekend.

Prep– Complete your weekend writing with the sentence starter:

‘On the weekend I …’ (write on the lined paper provided in your reader cover)


Grade 1 (and anyone that wants to have a try)- Use the sentence starter ‘On the weekend’ to begin your writing.

Write about what you did on the weekend in order. (write on the lined paper provided in your reader cover)

Use capital letters at the beginning of each sentence. Make sure your sentences end with a full stop. Include some keywords at the beginning of each sentence such as, Next, Then, After, Finally.

Maths Fluency 10-15 min

  • Practice skip counting by 10s up to and beyond 100. You may choose to write or record this skip counting pattern on an ipad, with chalk on the driveway or write on paper using coloured pens.

Maths Activity
Making numbers

  • Prep – Making teen numbers Choose a range of teen numbers from 10-20.Use resources from home such as pasta or blocks to make these numbers. Group the collection as one group of ten and one group of ones. Refer to the picture below for an example.

  • Grade 1 – Making numbersChoose a range of numbers between 10 and 40.Use resources from home such as pasta or blocks to make these numbers. Group the collection as one group of ten and one group of ones. Refer to the picture below for an example.

*Online Maths Practice – Use the link below to access our Woodford Primary School IXL sign in page. If you no longer have your login details please send a message to your teacher via SeeSaw. 



Big Life Activity –

  • Watch the following video to practice mindful and calming breathing.
  • When you are finished you could complete a calming activity such as, drawing a picture or colouring in quietly.

Remote Learning Thursday 3rd June

Webex 9.00am

  • Optional daily Webex sessions will be provided. This is a time for your child to check in, say hello to their classmates and ask any questions about the activities for the day.

Miss O’s Class- Meeting number: 165 348 6026 Password: hello
Mrs Ryan’s Class- Meeting number: 165 902 0198 Password: hello

Reading fluency 10 – 15 min

  • Practice reading your books.  Read aloud, read to yourself, even try recording your reading on a device.
  • Read your Sounds-Write words (Grade Preps and Ones) and Oxford words (Grade Ones). You may also like to build your Sounds-Write words using the letter tiles provided. These words can be found in your remote learning booklet.


Reading Activity 20-30 min (use books from your reader cover or Wushka)

  • Read a book, and talk with an adult about what happened at the beginning, middle and end of the story
  • Draw and write about the beginning.
  • Draw and write about the middle.
  • Draw and write about the end.
  • Complete this task using the ‘Reading Activity – Thursday’ sheet provided in your remote learning booklet.

*Today encourage your child to write keywords or a whole sentence if they can.

Writing Fluency 10-15 min
Practice handwriting and spelling using the word lists in your remote learning pack.

  • Spelling suggestions- use Sounds-Write letter tiles, write words in rainbow colours, use finger paint or chalk, go on a word treasure hunt (parents leave words around the room for children to find and copy).
  • Handwriting suggestions- write words that you know such as family names, toys or other items.

Writing Activity 20-30 min

Letter Writing

  • Write a letter to a friend about what you have done this week during remote learning. Use the writing paper in your remote learning packs. 

Dear *friend*, 

I have had a great time this week. 


(Use the sentence starters below as a prompt.) 

My favourite thing was… 

I had a great time… 

I can’t wait to… 




*This is an example, try to add some more ideas. 


Maths Fluency 10-15 min

  • Prep- Practice counting by ones to 20 and beyond. Use materials to support understanding and encourage 1-1 counting, e.g. beads, pegs, blocks, cereal, sultanas, Lego.
  • Grade 1- Practice counting to 100 and beyond.


Maths Activity 20-30 min

Measurement at home – Use a blank piece of paper for this activity.

Prep- 20 min. 

  • Find 10 items in your house. Order them from shortest to longest. Draw these items in order from shortest to longest on a piece of paper.

GRADE 1- 30min.

  • Find 10 items in your house. Order them from shortest to longest. Draw these items in order from shortest to longest on a piece of paper. Measure these items with the same objects, e.g. hands, Lego, paperclips.


Optional Big Life Activity

Remote Learning Wednesday 2nd June

Webex 9.00am

  • Optional daily Webex sessions will be provided. This is a time for your child to check in, say hello to their classmates and ask any questions about the activities for the day.

Miss O’s Class- Meeting number: 165 348 6026 Password: hello
Mrs Ryan’s Class- Meeting number: 165 902 0198 Password: hello

Reading fluency 10 – 15 min

  • Practice reading your books.  Read aloud, read to yourself, even try recording your reading on a device.
  • Read your Sounds-Write words (Grade Preps and Ones) and Oxford words (Grade Ones). You may also like to build your Sounds-Write words using the letter tiles provided. These words can be found in your remote learning booklet.

Reading Activity 20-30 min (use books from your reader cover or Wushka)

  • Read a book, and talk with an adult about what happened at the beginning, middle and end of the story
  • Draw and write about the beginning.
  • Draw and write about the middle.
  • Draw and write about the end.
  • Complete this task using the ‘Reading Activity – Wednesday’ sheet provided in your remote learning booklet.

*Today encourage your child to write keywords or a whole sentence if they can.

Writing Fluency 10-15 min
Practice handwriting and spelling using the word lists in your remote learning pack.

  • Spelling suggestions- use Sounds-Write letter tiles, write words in rainbow colours, use finger paint or chalk, go on a word treasure hunt (parents leave words around the room for children to find and copy).
  • Handwriting suggestions- write words that you know such as family names, toys or other items.

Writing Activity 20-30 min

Procedure – Write a procedure for how you made your breakfast. Use the writing paper in your remote learning booklet. 

  • First draw a picture of your breakfast.

For writing remember to:

  • Start each step with a number.
  • Each step is to be written on a new line.

See below for an example.


  1. Get a bowl. 
  2. Add the cornflakes. 
  3. Add the milk. 
  4. Eat with a spoon. 

Grade 1- 

  1. Get a bowl. 
  2. Shake cornflakes into the bowl. 
  3. Carefully pour in the milk. 
  4. Enjoy eating your cornflakes with a spoon.

*Parents may help if needed.


Maths Fluency 10-15 min

  • Prep- Practice counting by ones to 20 and beyond. Use materials to support understanding and encourage 1-1 counting, e.g. beads, pegs, blocks, cereal, sultanas, Lego.
  • Grade 1- Practice counting to 100 and beyond.


Maths Activity 20-30 min

Use the Measure the room Worksheet in your remote learning pack to complete this activity.

Prep- 20 min. 

  • Find items in your house to measure. If you can’t find the items on the worksheet, find different items and draw them on a blank piece of paper. 
  • Measure each item with a range of objects, including hands, paperclips, Lego, pencils, etc. 
  • For example, measure a book using Lego pieces. How many Lego pieces did you use? Write this number in the correct box.

GRADE 1- 30min.

  • Grade 1 – Complete the activity and order the items from shortest to longest. Make sure each object you are using to measure is the same size and facing the same way.


Optional Big Life Activity

Remote Learning Friday 9th October

Reading (20 minutes)

Use Wushka or your take home readers

Learning intention – We are learning to read our readers fluently.
Success Criteria –

  • I can read with a clear voice.
  • I can read in phrases (words together).
  • I can notice and use the punctuation.
  • I can use expression when I am reading.



Fluency– Use the sheet provided from school if you still have it and trace over or write the alphabet. Ensure that your child is focusing using correct pencil grip along with the correct starting position.


Write a list of things you really enjoyed about being back at school this week.


Write a recount about what you saw yesterday when the river flooded our school.



Fluency (15 minutes)
Trace over the number sheet or practice writing numbers- 
Ensure that you start in the correct starting position

Prep – Solving multiplication sums – making and drawing rows of 2

Learning Intention:
We are learning to solve multiplication sums.
Success Criteria:

  • I can read the sum.
  • I can make and draw an array with rows of 2.
  • I can find the total by using my 2’s skip counting pattern.
  • I can record my answer.


Watch the videos below for instructions.

Making Arrays

Learning Intention:
We are learning to make arrays.
Success Criteria:
Prep: I can make an array with rows of 2, and find the total skip counting by 2’s.
Grade 1: I can arrays with rows of 2 and 5, and find the total skip counting by 2’s and 5’s.
Grade 2: I can make arrays with rows of 2, 5 and 3, and find the total skip counting by 2’s, 5’s and 3’s.


Arrays – making rows of 2 and 5.

Roll a dice (6 sided) and create arrays. For example, the student rolls a 3 and then makes an array of 3 rows of 5.

Record your sums and answers on a sheet if you can.

Watch the video for an example.

Grade 1/2- Repeated Addition 

Learning Intention:
We are learning to solve multiplication sums.
Success Criteria:

  • I can make an array to match my dice rolls.
  • I can make equal groups to match my dice rolls.
  • I can draw my array and groups of.
  • I can use repeated addition to add up my rows of, or groups of.

Grade 1
Roll 2 six sided dice and make equal groups and an array to match the numbers rolled.

Draw the equal groups  and the array into your maths book. Write the repeated addition sum to match.

*Watch the video below for instructions.

Grade 2
Roll 2 six sided dice and make equal groups and an array to match the numbers rolled.

Draw the equal groups  and the array into your maths book and write the sum to match.

*Watch the video below for instructions.

Extension – use a spinner or 10 sided dice to complete the activity.

(Google online spinners or dice rollers if you don’t have one to use at home).




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