Thursday Week 2

Webex meetings will be held each day at 9:30am to mark the roll and to clarify expectations of daily work.


Meeting Number: 165 952 8797

Password: 3K



No Webex today for 3/4B as Mrs Buckle is on site supervising.

Reading fluency (15-30 mins):

  1. Read to self or read to someone (pet, doll, teddy, younger sibling…).
  2. Choose a good fit book or Wushka text (

Learning Intention:

We are learning to predict will happen in a story based on title, pictures, text and personal experiences

Success Criteria

  • SC1: I can make predictions based on the title of the book
  • SC2: I can make predictions based on the pictures on the cover of the book
  • SC3: I can make predictions based on writing in the book
  • SC4: I can make predictions using personal experiences

□ Independent Learning Task:

Making Predictions

Find a text on Wushka. Answer the following sentences by using evidence to support your thinking

  1. On the front cover I can see… so I think…
  2. In the blurb (reader description) I read… so I think…
  3. In the first paragraph I read… so I think…

You could make predictions about a character’s traits, genre, the problem, the ending, type of text, supporting characters etc.

Extension: Summarise the text you read.

□ Spelling Fluency (10 minutes):

Sentences: Put each of your words into a sentence. Remember to include full stops, capital letters and correct spelling.


Christmas is my favourite holiday.

Learning Intention:

We are learning to understand the fantasy genre

Success Criteria:

  • I can describe an object.
  • I can use adjectives to describe
  • I can create descriptive sentences.
  • I can use show, don’t tell.

□ Independent Learning Task: 

Object Description

What is the item in your story? What is it used for? Is your main character searching for the item or is the item helping your main character on their quest? Write a paragraph describing your item. Remember to show, don’t tell!


It wasn’t special to look at. It didn’t glisten, it didn’t shine. But you felt the magic that surrounded it. Perfectly rounded, wooden oak beads draped around the neck. Heavy in the middle was a imperfect oval ruby. It was dull, but if you looked close enough you could see movement like twinkling stars. 

□ Counting pattern fluency (10 minutes):

Practice multiplication (times tables) facts. You could use dice or cards. 

Optional: Complete any IXL Year 3 Multiplication Skill Builder tasks.

Learning Intention:

We are learning to understand fractions and decimals.

Success Criteria:

  • I can understand that fractions are numbers
  • I can understand that fractions are equal parts of a whole number or part of a group 
  • I can identify halves, thirds, quarters, fifths
  • I can understand that the numerator shows how many parts and the denominator shows equal parts

Tune in:

□ Independent Learning Task: 

Fractions of quantities – Worded Problems

Fraction Challenge Cards: Choose at least 4 challenge cards to complete.


Body Drumming

Find an upbeat song. Drum hands on any body part while listening to music. Feel the rhythm.




How many spiral shapes can you draw on a sheet of paper? Draw open spirals, tight spirals, big spirals, small spirals… fill in your page! This could then become a mindful colouring in activity.

Wednesday 21st July

Please take a photo of the work you complete and send it to your teacher via your Home Learning Code on your Class Seesaw app.

Webex meetings will be held each day at 9:30am to mark the roll and to clarify expectations of daily work.


Meeting Number: 165 952 8797

Password: 3K



Meeting Number: 165 971 5954

Password: woodford

Reading fluency (15-30 mins):

  1. Read to self or read to someone (pet, doll, teddy, younger sibling…).
  2. Choose a good fit book or Wushka text (

Learning Intention:

We are learning to predict will happen in a story based on title, pictures, text and personal experiences

Success Criteria

  • SC1: I can make predictions based on the title of the book
  • SC2: I can make predictions based on the pictures on the cover of the book
  • SC3: I can make predictions based on writing in the book
  • SC4: I can make predictions using personal experiences

Tune in:

□ Independent Learning Task:

Making Predictions

Find a text on Wushka. Answer the following sentences by using evidence to support your thinking

  1. On the front cover I can see… so I think…
  2. In the blurb (reader description) I read… so I think…
  3. In the first paragraph I read… so I think…


You could make predictions about a character’s traits, genre, the problem, the ending, type of text, supporting characters etc.

□ Spelling Fluency (10 minutes):

Prefixes and Suffixes

Draw 3 columns in your homework book labelled Base Word, Prefixes and Suffixes. In the base word column write you list words, and then attach either a suffix or prefix to the word and write it in the correct column.

Learning Intention:

We are learning to understand the fantasy genre

Success Criteria:

  • I can describe the villain
  • I can use adjectives to describe
  • I can create descriptive sentences.
  • I can use show, don’t tell.

□ Independent Learning Task: 

Setting Description

Today you are going to write a paragraph describing the villain that could be in your quest. Think of your 5 senses. What does the villain look like, sound like, smell like and feel like? Use show, don’t tell to write a paragraph.

You could draw a picture of your villain too!

Write at least 5 descriptions.


The dragon was still and poised for attack. His huge hulk of a scaly green body slowly moved up and down with each furious breath. Glaring red eyes stared down and its wide cavernous nostrils flared. The dragon was intimidating even for the bravest of warriors to face.

□ Counting pattern fluency (10 minutes):

Practice multiplication (times tables) facts. You could use dice or cards. 

Optional: Complete any IXL Year 3 Multiplication Skill Builder tasks.

Learning Intention:

We are learning to understand fractions and decimals.

Success Criteria:

  • I can understand that fractions are numbers
  • I can understand that fractions are equal parts of a whole number or part of a group 
  • I can identify halves, thirds, quarters, fifths
  • I can understand that the numerator shows how many parts and the denominator shows equal parts

Tune in:

□ Independent Learning Task: 

Number Lines

Today you are going to draw your own fractions number line.

  1. Choose the fraction you would like to represent on your number line.
  2. Draw a number line with markings at equal intervals which match the fraction you have chosen
  3. Label you number line
  4. Repeat 4 times with different fractions


Can you draw a number line from 0-5 and label your fractions. Hint: You will have to use mixed number e.g 1 1/2


Follow the Go Noodle link below and challenge a parent or sibling to a Space Jam dance off!!



Tuesday 20th July: Week 2

Please take a photo of the work you complete and send it to your teacher via your Home Learning Code on your Class Seesaw app.

Webex meetings will be held each day at 9:30am to mark the roll and to clarify expectations of daily work.


Meeting Number: 165 952 8797

Password: 3K



Meeting Number: 165 971 5954

Password: woodford

Reading fluency (15-30 mins):

  1. Read to self or read to someone (pet, doll, teddy, younger sibling…).
  2. Choose a good fit book or Wushka text (

Learning Intention:

We are learning to predict will happen in a story based on title, pictures, text and personal experiences

Success Criteria

  • SC1: I can make predictions based on the title of the book
  • SC2: I can make predictions based on the pictures on the cover of the book
  • SC3: I can make predictions based on writing in the book
  • SC4: I can make predictions using personal experiences

Tune in:

□ Independent Learning Task:

Making Predictions

Choose a text from Wushka and answer the following sentences in your homework book.

  1. From the front cover I predict…
  2. From the blurb (reader description) I predict….
  3. From the first paragraph I predict…

After reading the text, check your predictions. Were you correct or did the author surprise you? Write a sentence outlining  if your predictions were correct.

  • My predictions were correct/incorrect because…

Extension: Write a written summary summarising the main points of the text.

□ Spelling Fluency (10 minutes):

Synonyms & Antonyms

Learning Intention:

We are learning to understand the fantasy genre

Success Criteria:

  • I can describe the setting.
  • I can use adjectives to describe
  • I can create descriptive sentences.
  • I can use show, don’t tell.

□ Independent Learning Task: 

Setting Description

Today you are going to write a paragraph describing a magical setting that could be in your quest. Think of your 5 senses. What does the setting look like, sound like, smell like and feel like? Use show, don’t tell to write a paragraph.

You could draw a picture of your setting too!

Write at least 5 descriptions.


Moss blanketed the earth. The distant babbling of the creek gently filled my ears. Trees towered above me. Vines draped from tree to tree like long necklaces. Branches stung my skin, hitting me as I galloped through the crowded forest.

□ Counting pattern fluency (10 minutes):

Practice multiplication (times tables) facts. You could use dice or cards. 

Optional: Complete any IXL Year 3 Multiplication Skill Builder tasks.

Learning Intention:

We are learning to understand fractions and decimals.

Success Criteria:

  • I can understand that fractions are numbers
  • I can understand that fractions are equal parts of a whole number or part of a group 
  • I can identify halves, thirds, quarters, fifths
  • I can understand that the numerator shows how many parts and the denominator shows equal parts

Tune in:

□ Independent Learning Task: 

Draw the following fractions:


4 items – 3/4 red, 1/4 yellow

5 items- 2/5 blue, 3/5 green

2 items – 1/2 purple, 1/2 blue

4 items – 2/4 green, 2/4 red


12 items –  2/4 green, 2/4 red

12 items – 4 items – 3/4 red, 1/4 yellow

10 items – 2/5 blue, 3/5 green

12 items – 1/2 purple, 1/2 blue



5 items – 3/5 red, 2/5 blue

12 items – 1/4 purple, 3/4 pink


What are ‘Performance Arts’?

Look up the follow terms. What do they each mean?

  • Dance
  • Drama
  • Media
  • Music

Draw a picture of each of the words to show your understanding.

Monday 19th July

Please take a photo of the work you complete and send it to your teacher via your Home Learning Code on your Class Seesaw app.

Webex meetings will be held each day at 9:30am to mark the roll and to clarify expectations of daily work.


Meeting Link:

Meeting Number: 165 952 8797

Meeting Password: 3K


Meeting link: 

Meeting number: 165 971 5954

Password: woodford

Reading fluency (15-30 mins):

  1. Read to self or read to someone (pet, doll, teddy, younger sibling…).
  2. Choose a good fit book or Wushka text

Learning Intention:

We are learning to predict will happen in a story based on title, pictures, text and personal experiences

Success Criteria

SC1: I can make predictions based on the title of the book

SC2: I can make predictions based on the pictures on the cover of the book

SC3: I can make predictions based on writing in the book

SC4: I can make predictions using personal experiences

Tune in:

□ Independent Learning Task:

Choose a text from Wushka and complete the following sentences in your homework book.

  1. From the front cover I predict…
  2. From the blurb (reader description) I predict….
  3. From the first paragraph I predict…

After reading the text, check you predictions. Were you correct or did the author surprise you? Write a sentence outline if your predictions were correct.

  • My predictions were correct/incorrect because…

□ Spelling Fluency (10 minutes):

Spelling Sounds

Underline the syllables in your spelling words, then underline the individual sounds in each syllable.

Learning Intention:

We are learning to use descriptive language to create a main character

Success Criteria:

  1. I can use descriptive language to paint a picture of a main character
  2. I can extend my use of interesting vocabulary to engage the reader

Independent Writing Task:

Character Description

Create a main character or hero for a quest story. This could be a child, a knight, a magical creature. Close your eyes… What do they look like and sound like? What are their character traits? Write a paragraph describing your character. Remember to show, don’t tell!!

If you’d like you could draw your character too!

Write are least 5 descriptions.


Character Descriptions 

  • His chestnut brown hair was messy. It always looked like he had just woken up.
  • When he walked, he clumsily tripped over his feet or anything else that was in his path.
  • Soft and wobbly, his voice didn’t echo over the chatter around him.
  • His face was always flushed the colour of a pink lady apple and it was slightly rounded making him look younger than what he was.
  • His arms dangled lankily beside him, too long for the rest of his body.

Counting pattern fluency (10 minutes): 

Practice multiplication (times tables) facts. You could use dice or cards. 

Optional: Complete any IXL Year 3 Multiplication Skill Builder tasks.

Learning Intention:

We are learning to understand fractions

Success Criteria:

I can understand and model a half, quarter, third and fifth

Tune in:

Independent Learning Task:

Draw the following fractions.

1/2 (half)

1/4 (quarters)

1/3 (thirds)

1/5 (fifths)

Can you draw them in different shapes? Try squares, circles, rectangles etc. Remember that the parts have to be equal in size.

Squiggle Story: Draw a squiggle on some paper with your non-preferred hand; with your preferred hand create a drawing out of it and then mindfully colour in!

Friday 16th July

Please take a photo of the work you complete and send it to your teacher via your Home Learning Code on your Class Seesaw app.

Reading fluency (15-30 mins):

  1. Read to self or read to someone (pet, doll, teddy, younger sibling…).
  2. Choose a good fit book or Wushka text (

Learning Intention: 

  • We are learning to summarise a text at intervals.

Success Criteria:

SC 1: I can report episodes of a text in the order they happened
SC 2: I can stop and summarise at intervals
SC3: I can organise important information in summary form in order to remember and use them as background knowledge

Tune in:

□ Independent Learning Task:

Find the who, what, where, when from a story of your choice. You can either choose a picture story book, a wushka text, or a novel.

Extension: Create a written summary of the text you read.

Learning Intention:

We are learning to understand the fantasy genre.

□ Independent Learning Task: 

Complete a quick write on one of the following topics;

1. The Snow Dragon: You are in the mountain forest when you come face to face with the snow dragon: an adorable, furry, and surprisingly tiny creature who breathes fire.

2. The Fairies Next Door: Being new in town, you decided to introduce yourself to the neighbors. When you knock on the door, you are greeted by a small army of fairies who take you captive.

3. The Invisible Castle: A group of friends decide to climb a tower near their home when they discover it leads to an invisible castle in the air that no one else knows exists.


We are learning to place value.

□ Independent Learning Task: 

Go on IXL and complete any of the following:

Year 3


Year 4



Celebrate NAIDOC week

You could design a poster, research a famous Indigenous Australian, listen to an Indigenous musician or watch a clip about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history.

Thursday Week 7

Today Mrs Buckle & Mrs Kenwright will be completing a Professional Practice day. We will be busy planning, assessing and analysing during this time. If you have any urgent enquiries, we will try to get back to you as soon as we can. We will not be giving any feedback today. Thank you for your understanding.

Happy Thursday: Best Wishes, Quotes, and Great Messages | KnowInsiders

Big Life

Today you are lucky enough to have Mel from Big Life host a meeting at 10:00am!!

Click on the link below to join in!

Meeting Number: 165 207 2974

Password: woodford

You will need a piece of paper and a pen/pencil for game during Big Life.

Below is the follow up activity. You can draw this in your book or complete on Seesaw. 

Reading fluency (15-30 mins):

  1. Read to self or read to someone (pet, doll, teddy, younger sibling…).
  2. Choose a good fit book or Wushka text (

Learning Intention: 

  • We are learning to bring knowledge from personal experiences to help us understand a text.

Success Criteria:

  1. I can bring knowledge from my own experience to help me understand the author’s opinion
  2.  I can use text, world and self connections to help me understand the author’s opinion

□ Independent Learning Task:

The Ecological Footprint

Read the article The Ecological Footprint and make a text to text, text to self and text to world connection. Record your answers in your homework book. 

Extension: Find the meaning of the unknown words in the text. Look them up in a dictionary or on Google and write the meaning in your own words.

□ Spelling Fluency (10 minutes):

Sentences: Put each of your words into a sentence. Remember to include full stops, capital letters and correct spelling.


The echidna was tunneling into the ground.

Learning Intention:

We are learning to write a recount.

Success Criteria:

  • I can describe the event in sequence.
  • I can include key information such as dates and locations
  • I can include interesting details.

□ Independent Learning Task: 

Today you are going to publish your camp recount. You may choose to do this any way you like. You can hand write it, publish it on Seesaw, make a poster… Be creative!

□ Counting pattern fluency (10 minutes):

Practice multiplication (times tables) facts. You could use dice or cards. 

Optional: Complete any IXL Year 3 Multiplication Skill Builder tasks.

Learning Intention:

  • We are learning to represent and solve problems involving multiplication using efficient mental and written strategies 

Success Criteria:

  • I can represent multiplication as arrays
  • I can understand the language of rows
  • I can understand that the first number tells how many rows, and the second the number in each row
  • I can understand that an array contains the same amount in total whether shown as 3 fours or 4 threes

Tune in:

□ Independent Learning Task: 

Multiplication Worded Problems

Complete the following activities on IXL.

Year 4 D.2 Multiplication facts to 10: word problems


Wednesday Week 7

Happy Hump Day from the Professionals Cannington | Funny wednesday memes, Hump day meme, Funny hump day memes

Please take a photo of the work you complete and send it to your teacher via your Home Learning Code on your Class Seesaw app.

Compulsory Webex meetings will be held each day at 10:00am to mark the roll and to clarify expectations of daily work.


Meeting Number:

Password: 3k



Meeting Number: 165 207 2974

Password: woodford

Reading fluency (15-30 mins):

  1. Read to self or read to someone (pet, doll, teddy, younger sibling…).
  2. Choose a good fit book or Wushka text (

Learning Intention: 

  • We are learning to bring knowledge from personal experiences to help us understand a text.

Success Criteria:

  1. I can bring knowledge from my own experience to help me understand the author’s opinion
  2.  I can use text, world and self connections to help me understand the author’s opinion

□ Independent Learning Task:

Read the info graphic Deforestation.

Make a text to text, text to self and text to world connection. Record your answers in your homework book.

Extension: Find the meaning of the unknown words in the text. Look them up in a dictionary or on Google and write the meaning in your own words.

□ Spelling Fluency (10 minutes):

Definitions: Find the dictionary definition (meaning) of each of your words.


summer: (noun) the warmest season of the year, in the southern hemisphere from December to February.

Learning Intention:

We are learning to write a recount.

Success Criteria:

  • I can describe the event in sequence.
  • I can include key information such as dates and locations
  • I can include interesting details.

□ Independent Learning Task: 

Revising & Editing

Today you are going to carefully look over your camp recount and make any necessary changes. 

Check your spelling and punctuation and also improve any word choices and sentence structures.

Editing and Revising Poster or Anchor Chart | Writing anchor charts, Writing lessons, Teaching writing


□ Counting pattern fluency (10 minutes):

Practice multiplication (times tables) facts. You could use dice or cards. 

Optional: Complete any IXL Year 3 Multiplication Skill Builder tasks.

Learning Intention:

  • We are learning to represent and solve problems involving multiplication using efficient mental and written strategies 

Success Criteria:

  • I can represent multiplication as groups
  • I can understand ‘groups of’ language
  • I can find equal groups in real life

Tune in:

□ Independent Learning Task: 

Roll a dice or flip a card twice to create a multiplication equation.

Write a worded sentence using groups of language. Include the answer. Repeat at least five times.


5 x 3

Jenny was shopping. She had 5 grocery bags. She put 3 items in each bag. Altogether she had 15 items.




Tuesday Week 7

15 Happy Tuesday Memes - Best Funny Tuesday Memes | Happy tuesday meme, Happy tuesday quotes, Tuesday quotes

Please take a photo of the work you complete and send it to your teacher via your Home Learning Code on your Class Seesaw app.

Compulsory Webex meetings will be held each day at 10:00am to mark the roll and to clarify expectations of daily work.


Meeting Number:

Password: 3k



Meeting Number: 165 207 2974

Password: woodford

Reading fluency (15-30 mins):

  1. Read to self or read to someone (pet, doll, teddy, younger sibling…).
  2. Choose a good fit book or Wushka text (

Learning Intention: 

  • We are learning to bring knowledge from personal experiences to help us understand a text.

Success Criteria:

  1. I can bring knowledge from my own experience to help me understand the author’s opinion
  2.  I can use text, world and self connections to help me understand the author’s opinion

Tune in:

□ Independent Learning Task:

Read the info graphic Overfishing.

Make a text to text, text to self and text to world connection. Record your answers in your homework book.


Extension: Write a written summary summarising the main points of the text.

□ Spelling Fluency (10 minutes):

Syllables: Break each of your 6 words into syllables (chunks)

Untouchable = un  touch  a  ble

Learning Intention:

We are learning to write a recount.

Success Criteria:

  • I can describe the event in sequence.
  • I can include key information such as dates and locations
  • I can include interesting details.

□ Independent Learning Task: 

Today you are going to draft the recount of your camp experience.

Write your recount in your Homework book. Remember to include:

  • Introduction with a sizzling start explaining who, what, when & where
  • Paragraph 1 – First event
  • Paragraph 2 – Second event
  • Paragraph 3 – Third event
  • Conclusion including highlights and how you felt

Click here to download this template

Here is an example of a Recount:

On Saturday, my mum and I travelled on the bus to the National Marine Aquarium, Plymouth to see all the beautiful sea creatures. We wanted to get there early because of the long queues. I’ve been wanting to go for weeks but mum said that we had to wait for the school holidays to arrive. I’ve always been fascinated by sea creatures and I love looking at the pictures in books of all the different kinds of sea creatures. We needed to make sure that we could get the bus on time, so I looked online at the timetable and planned to leave at quarter past seven – it’s so early! Sleepily, we staggered to the bus stop and caught the bus into Birmingham. After an hour, we eventually reached the Sea Life Centre.

First, we paid for our tickets and got our maps. The lady was very friendly behind the desk and because I was so polite, I got an octopus sticker! Next, we made our way into the ‘Plymouth Sound’ rock pool with star fish and shallow water creatures. I got to stroke a baby stingray – I was incredibly nervous because I’ve been told about stingrays before and their poison but there was nothing to worry about! Its skin was really silky as it glided past me.

After we had inspected at the other creatures it was time to head down to the Eddystone Reef. The glass was absolutely huge! There were so many different varieties of fish swimming happily around, it was mesmerising! My favourite part was seeing the stingrays making their way up the glass – their mouths are so funny when they’re swimming, it looks like their talking. I think that stingrays are becoming my new favourite sea creature!

Finally, we made our way to the Atlantic Ocean tank where there are loads of species of sharks. Did you know that that tank holds over 2.5 million litres of sea water? That’s a lot of water in one place – I hope the glass doesn’t break (don’t worry, mum assured me it wouldn’t)! Each shark was fascinating. They had their own personality and characteristics.

It was a fantastic day and I learnt so much. For example, there are 230,000 known species of animals who live underwater and jellyfish have been round 650 million years, meaning they have been around longer than the dinosaurs! There have been so many interesting facts that I’ve learnt but most of all, I know that we need to take better care of our oceans through reducing global warming. I will make sure that I keep turning any lights and plugs off if I’m not using them. What I enjoyed most was seeing the Sharks in their tank. I loved the way they were swimming round and interacting with each other. Above all else, I learnt that there are so many wonderful and mysterious creatures under our waves. I love the fact that every type of fish is so different in colour, size and shape. I loved my day and I can’t wait to go back again soon!


□ Counting pattern fluency (10 minutes):

Practice multiplication (times tables) facts. You could use dice or cards. 

Optional: Complete any IXL Year 3 Multiplication Skill Builder tasks.

Learning Intention:

  • We are learning to represent and solve problems involving multiplication using efficient mental and written strategies 

Success Criteria:

  • I can represent multiplication as arrays
  • I can understand the language of rows
  • I can understand that the first number tells how many rows, and the second the number in each row
  • I can understand that an array contains the same amount in total whether shown as 3 fours or 4 threes

Tune in:

□ Independent Learning Task: 

Multiplication using Arrays

Roll a dice of flip a card twice to create a multiplication equation. Draw the array and write the answer.

Repeat at least five times.

4 x 5

What are division facts? | TheSchoolRun

4 rows of 5 is 20


Monday Week 7

Have a Great Week Ahead! | Wishes for a New Start

Please take a photo of the work you complete and send it to your teacher via your Home Learning Code on your Class Seesaw app.

Compulsory Webex meetings will be held each day at 10:00am to mark the roll and to clarify expectations of daily work.


Meeting Number:

Password: 3k



Meeting Number: 165 207 2974

Password: woodford

Reading fluency (15-30 mins):

  1. Read to self or read to someone (pet, doll, teddy, younger sibling…).
  2. Choose a good fit book or Wushka text (

Learning Intention: 

  • We are learning to bring knowledge from personal experiences to help us understand a text.

Success Criteria:

  1. I can bring knowledge from my own experience to help me understand the author’s opinion
  2.  I can use text, world and self connections to help me understand the author’s opinion

Tune in:

□ Independent Learning Task:

Read the info graphic Water Overuse

Make a text to text, text to self and text to world connection. Record your answers in your homework book.

Extension: Write a summary of the main points in the infographic.

□ Spelling Fluency (10 minutes):

Complete spelling sounds activity listening for each individual sound your 6 words.

lunch    l   u  n  ch

countries   c ou  n  t  r  ie  s

Learning Intention:

We are learning to write a recount.

Success Criteria:

  1. I can describe the event in sequence.
  2. I can include key information such as dates and locations
  3. I can include interesting detail

□ Independent Learning Task: 

Today you are going to plan a recount of your camp experience using a mind map.

Remember you are not writing your whole story today, just organising your ideas.

You will need to choose 3 of your favourite activities to brain storm about. Think about what you did in each activity and what it sounded like, felt like and looked like. We want to use lots of ‘show don’t tell’ in our writing this week. Below is an example of what your mind map might look like.


Counting pattern fluency (10 minutes): 

Practice multiplication (times tables) facts. You could use dice or cards. 

Optional: Complete any IXL Year 3 Multiplication Skill Builder tasks.

Learning Intention:

We are learning to represent and solve problems involving multiplication using efficient mental and written strategies

Success Criteria:

  • I can represent multiplication as repeated addition 
  • I can understand that the end point tells me how many items in all the groups 
  • I can explain that skip counting forward by each number adds another group

Tune in:

□ Independent Learning Task: 

Roll 2 dice and record the numbers you rolled. Use the numbers to write your repeated addition number sentences and find the answer.

You can rule up your homework book to look like the table below.

Repeat 10 times.

Repeated Addition Worksheet (teacher made)


Add a zero to your second number…. what do you notice happens?

chinese-title - Virgin River Virgin River

Chinese is live on Zoom at 1:00 for both classes today. Click on your grade’s link to join the class

