Monday 19th July

Please take a photo of the work you complete and send it to your teacher via your Home Learning Code on your Class Seesaw app.

Webex meetings will be held each day at 9:30am to mark the roll and to clarify expectations of daily work.


Meeting Link:

Meeting Number: 165 952 8797

Meeting Password: 3K


Meeting link: 

Meeting number: 165 971 5954

Password: woodford

Reading fluency (15-30 mins):

  1. Read to self or read to someone (pet, doll, teddy, younger sibling…).
  2. Choose a good fit book or Wushka text

Learning Intention:

We are learning to predict will happen in a story based on title, pictures, text and personal experiences

Success Criteria

SC1: I can make predictions based on the title of the book

SC2: I can make predictions based on the pictures on the cover of the book

SC3: I can make predictions based on writing in the book

SC4: I can make predictions using personal experiences

Tune in:

□ Independent Learning Task:

Choose a text from Wushka and complete the following sentences in your homework book.

  1. From the front cover I predict…
  2. From the blurb (reader description) I predict….
  3. From the first paragraph I predict…

After reading the text, check you predictions. Were you correct or did the author surprise you? Write a sentence outline if your predictions were correct.

  • My predictions were correct/incorrect because…

□ Spelling Fluency (10 minutes):

Spelling Sounds

Underline the syllables in your spelling words, then underline the individual sounds in each syllable.

Learning Intention:

We are learning to use descriptive language to create a main character

Success Criteria:

  1. I can use descriptive language to paint a picture of a main character
  2. I can extend my use of interesting vocabulary to engage the reader

Independent Writing Task:

Character Description

Create a main character or hero for a quest story. This could be a child, a knight, a magical creature. Close your eyes… What do they look like and sound like? What are their character traits? Write a paragraph describing your character. Remember to show, don’t tell!!

If you’d like you could draw your character too!

Write are least 5 descriptions.


Character Descriptions 

  • His chestnut brown hair was messy. It always looked like he had just woken up.
  • When he walked, he clumsily tripped over his feet or anything else that was in his path.
  • Soft and wobbly, his voice didn’t echo over the chatter around him.
  • His face was always flushed the colour of a pink lady apple and it was slightly rounded making him look younger than what he was.
  • His arms dangled lankily beside him, too long for the rest of his body.

Counting pattern fluency (10 minutes): 

Practice multiplication (times tables) facts. You could use dice or cards. 

Optional: Complete any IXL Year 3 Multiplication Skill Builder tasks.

Learning Intention:

We are learning to understand fractions

Success Criteria:

I can understand and model a half, quarter, third and fifth

Tune in:

Independent Learning Task:

Draw the following fractions.

1/2 (half)

1/4 (quarters)

1/3 (thirds)

1/5 (fifths)

Can you draw them in different shapes? Try squares, circles, rectangles etc. Remember that the parts have to be equal in size.

Squiggle Story: Draw a squiggle on some paper with your non-preferred hand; with your preferred hand create a drawing out of it and then mindfully colour in!

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