Week 7: Thursday 26th August

Please take a photo of the work you complete and send it to your teacher via your Home Learning Code on your Class Seesaw app.

Webex meetings will be held each day at 9:30am to mark the roll and to clarify expectations of daily work.

Webex will be held open at the conclusion of the daily meeting for students who need more clarification to re enter and ask for assistance. 


Meeting link: https://eduvic.webex.com/eduvic/j.php?MTID=md713885b5cd2d91dc4f352c96aef6282

Meeting number: 165 327 8351

Password: 3K


Meeting number: 165 170 8964

Password: woodford

Meeting Link: https://eduvic.webex.com/eduvic/j.php?MTID=m93125c61e5a6c113ca77f231aaa6e7c3


Tune in at 11:30am today for our Big Life WebEx!

Mel will be hosting a well being WebEx with Grade 3K and 3/4B.  We can’t wait to see you all there!

Meeting link: https://eduvic.webex.com/eduvic/j.php?MTID=m6ae91386579776c7e88c623a5c61caba

Meeting number: 165 327 4571

Password: woodford

Attend Big Life session at 11:30 on Thursday 26th of August first.

1. Choose one of the following problems:
– You have an argument with a friend.
– You accidentally broke something valuable at home.
– You see someone being bullied.

2. Write the problem in the middle (on the roundabout)
3. Write a possible solution to the problem along each road.
4. Write a positive and negative of each possible solution in the boxes.
5. Circle the solution you would most likely choose first.

Reading fluency (15-30 mins):

  1. Read to self or read to someone (pet, doll, teddy, younger sibling…).
  2. Choose a good fit book or Wushka text https://wushka.com.au/login/

Tune in:

Publisher: Walker Books Australia

Release Date: May 1, 2016

Pages: 32


□ Independent Learning Task:

Book Fact File and Prediction

Look at the cover of the book Gary (on blog) or of a book you haven’t read before (Wushka).

Complete the Book Fact File sheet on Seesaw, by printing or by creating your own in your homework book (write the questions in your book and answer).

□ Spelling Fluency (10 minutes):

Independent Task:

Put your spelling words into interesting sentences.


Learning Intention:

We are learning to write an information report

Success Criteria:

I can sort information into categories

Independent Writing Task:

Sorting information into categories

Rule your page into half.

Using the subheadings:

  • Habitat
  • Other

Sort and write your Platypus information from Monday & Tuesday into these categories.

Counting pattern fluency (10 minutes): 

Practice quick recall of your assigned multiplication goal. Practice your skip counting pattern or times tables out of order.


IXL Multiplication Skill Builders.

Learning Intention:

We are learning to create and read timetables

Success Criteria:

  • I can explore a range of timetables which people use to help them organise their time
  • I can answer simple questions which involve interpreting information in timetables
  • I can use a timetable to work out simple durations and start and finish times

Independent Learning Task:

Generate 5-10 questions to match the timetable you created yesterday with answers included. 


Question: How long will it take to do dancing and present opening? 


Question: How long does the party go for?


GEM TV is back! Check out the latest episodes as a brain break!




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