Friday, September 3rd

Learning Intention = We are learning to infer big ideas or themes of popular picture story books and discuss how these relate to people’s lives today.

Success Criteria = I can infer the big ideas or themes of a picture story book (some with mature themes and issues) and discuss how these are applicable to people’s lives today

Today we are going to have a second attempt at inferring the MAIN IDEA of popular picture story books. We are also going to be inferring the THEME of picture story books.

We are going to identify the THEME and MAIN IDEA using our Prior Knowledge and Clues from the text, as we can’t check to find out if our answers are correct.

Activity: Making Inferences about THEME & MAIN IDEA – part 2

#1 – Look at the example provided on Possum Magic to understand what teachers expect today.

Inferring the Theme and Main Idea from Picture Story Books – Student Example

#2 – Pick one of the videos below and watch it carefully. Please do not pick a book off your bookshelf at home (unless you have a hard-copy of an example below). Please pick a different book to Thursday!

#3 – Make some Inferences about the THEME and MAIN IDEA on the worksheet provided. You can print this proforma using the link below or complete it in your homework book. The choice is up to you.

Inferring the Theme and Main Idea from Picture Story Books

#4 – Send the completed task to your teacher.

You only need to focus on one video below, but you might need to watch it multiple times.

Feel free to watch all the videos before making your decision.

Edward the Emu

Wombat Stew

The Dot

The Bad Seed


Free Choice Spelling Activity, Choose a free choice activity from your homework grid or the grid below. Make sure you practice as a dictation is coming up next week.

Spelling Choice Board FREEBIE by 1BlessedTeacherLady | TpT

Learning intention:

We are learning to write about the picture

We can:

  • Use a picture prompt to enjoy our writing
  • Begin all writing with a sizzling start.
  • Complete at least a page of writing

Today’s Activity: Visit the site Pobble 365 and find today’s picture prompt (it may ask for you to sign up, you can just skip this.)

Today you will be writing about the picture “Honey I shrunk the kids”.

resource image

Story starter!

Dad’s home science experiment had gone horribly wrong! He had zapped the kids in the garden with his new ELECTROZORBTASTICLASERJETBRAIN-GUN, which was supposed to make his three children the smartest children in the entire world. Instead, the zap had back-fired, making Dad even more brainy, but the children…Extremely tiny!

Stood in the middle of the garden path, they suddenly found themselves running as fast as they could away from a rolling pebble (which was actually tiny, but now seemed as big as a house).

Can you continue the story?

Sentence challenge!

When you finish your writing can you make a tally chart showing how many times you have used the following word classes: noun, adjective, verb, adverb.


Practice your Counting Goal for 5-10 minutes first – to warm up the brain!

Example of Multiplication squares worksheet.

You will need a partner to play this game,  or play on your own and see how many squares you can make each day. All you need for this game is two dice, the downloadable game board  (If you can’t print, use the game board posted on Seesaw or draw the grid in your Homework book), and two pens of different colors. One player rolls both dice, multiplies the two numbers together, then looks for the product on the board. The student then draws a line to connect any two dots that form part of the square around that product. The game continues until the board is filled with squares. Click here for a computerised dice roll if you haven’t got a dice at home.


Learning Intention:

We are learning to compare and convert metric units of volume.

Success Criteria:

  • I can compare metric units of volume
  • I can convert metric units of volume.

Please complete the following tasks on IXL.  (* There is no need to send  a picture of this task on seesaw, your classroom teacher can see how many questions you have answered and how long you have spent completing the tasks on IXL!)

IXL Assigned Tasks:

  • Grade 4 – J.7
  • Grade 5 – T.4
  • Grade 6 – Q.9

Brainteaser Puzzle: Have a go at trying to figure out the answer of the question mark. what number the question mark equals. Use the other questions to work out the value of each picture.

Thursday 2nd September


Learning Intention = We are learning to infer big ideas or themes of popular picture story books and discuss how these relate to people’s lives today.

Success Criteria = I can infer the big ideas or themes of a picture story book (some with mature themes and issues) and discuss how these are applicable to people’s lives today


Today we are going to be inferring the MAIN IDEA of popular picture story books. We are also going to be inferring the THEME of picture story books. Yes, this will still work, but we need to use good examples of picture story books.

We are going to identify the THEME and MAIN IDEA using our Prior Knowledge and Clues from the text, as we can’t check to find out if our answers are correct.

Activity: Making Inferences about THEME & MAIN IDEA – part 2

#1 – Look at the example provided on Possum Magic to understand what teachers expect today.

Inferring the Theme and Main Idea from Picture Story Books – Student Example

#2 – Pick one of the videos below and watch it carefully. Please do not pick a book off your bookshelf at home (unless you have a hard-copy of an example below).

#3 – Make some Inferences about the THEME and MAIN IDEA on the worksheet provided. You can print this proforma using the link below or complete it in your homework book. The choice is up to you.

Inferring the Theme and Main Idea from Picture Story Books

#4 – Send the completed task to your teacher.

You only need to focus on one video below, but you might need to watch it multiple times.

Feel free to watch all the videos before making your decision.

Edward the Emu

Wombat Stew

The Dot

The Bad Seed


Practice this weeks spelling words by completing this online word search: Click here and click ‘Begin’ to play. Try to solve all words. Let your teacher know how long it took you to complete the word search!

Learning Intention:

We are learning to present our 90 sec speech with passion!

Success Criteria: I can

  • Present my 90 second persuasive speech on a topic I am passionate about.
  • Show strong voice and passion in my topic, and hook my audience.
  • Present my speech on a video.
  • Demonstrate I have thought about my presentation including background, clothing, volume of voice and recording.

Today’s Activity: Today you are to film your speech and send to your teacher. (Don’t stress, we won’t make you present it live.) Look at the Success Criteria. Your teachers will be looking for passion, presentation, entertainment (Did you hook your reader?) and hoping for a good quality video!!

Tips for filming:

  • Ask a family member to hold the device for you, bring it as close as you can to you so the microphone can pick up your voice.
  • Think about what is behind you, do you have a blank wall for a background.
  • If you are speaking about something at Woodford, could you wear your school uniform for the video? If it is about a sport, could you wear a team guernsey?
  • Have a couple of practice goes before your final film. This way you can listen and look to see if you can hear your voice and help make improvements.
  • Place your piece of paper lower, so your voice is projecting towards the screen. But remember, eye contact and body language are important.


Practice your Counting Goal for 5-10 minutes first – to warm up the brain!

Example of Multiplication squares worksheet.

You will need a partner to play this game,  or play on your own and see how many squares you can make each day. All you need for this game is two dice, the downloadable game board  (If you can’t print, use the game board posted on Seesaw or draw the grid in your Homework book), and two pens of different colors. One player rolls both dice, multiplies the two numbers together, then looks for the product on the board. The student then draws a line to connect any two dots that form part of the square around that product. The game continues until the board is filled with squares. Click here for a computerised dice roll if you haven’t got a dice at home.


 Learning Intention – We are learning to solve volume word problems. These word problems can have more then one ‘step’ to work out the correct answer.

Success Criteria – I can use the ‘CUBES’ strategy to identify all the useful information in a word problem, and eliminate anything I don’t need to solve the answer.

Please rewatch the video below to refresh your memory on the CUBES strategy we used last week, BEFORE starting the activity.

Now that you have watched the video, please complete the activity below. YOU DO NOT have to write out the entire question, just the question number and show all of your working out.

Group 1 Volume Word Problems

Group 2 Volume Word Problems

Group 3 Volume Word Problems –

Group 3 – the second sheet is too blurry to read please complete this sheet instead  –  2nd worksheet


Click here to print the Big Life worksheet

Wednesday 1st September

Learning Intention = We are learning to infer big ideas or themes of texts and discuss how these relate to people’s lives today.

Success Criteria = I can infer the big ideas or themes of a texts (some with mature themes and issues) and discuss how these are applicable to people’s lives today


Today we are going to be inferring the MAIN IDEA of our biographical text (in this case, the section we have read so far). We are also going to be inferring the THEME of our biographical text.

This means we are going to try and identify the THEME and MAIN IDEA using our Prior Knowledge and Clues from the text, as we can’t check to find out if our answers are correct. I know, it’s tricky.




Activity: Making Inferences about THEME & MAIN IDEA

#1 – Make some Inferences about the THEME and MAIN IDEA in your biographies. You can do this today, even though we haven’t finished the book yet.

#2 – You can print this proforma using the link below or complete it in your homework book. The choice is up to you.

#3 – Send the completed task to your teacher.

Inferences main idea theme proforma 2021

Use your 8 spelling words in a sentence Underline or write your spelling word in CAPITALS so it stands out

Learning Intention:
We are learning about body language and voice when giving a speech.

We can:

  • Watch examples of kids giving public speeches
  • Identify important elements of public speaking including voice, facial language and body language
  • Write out 12 ideas we can include in our own public speeches.

Watch the 3 videos to get some tips on what they could do to ‘sell’ their argument.

Today’s Activity: Write a list of 12 things you need to remember when giving your speech. 
Practice in front of a mirror or television 3 times.
Time yourself, does it go for 90 seconds?

Practice your Counting Goal for 5-10 minutes first – to warm up the brain!

Example of Multiplication squares worksheet.

You will need a partner to play this game,  or play on your own and see how many squares you can make each day. All you need for this game is two dice, the downloadable game board  (If you can’t print, use the game board posted on Seesaw or draw the grid in your Homework book), and two pens of different colors. One player rolls both dice, multiplies the two numbers together, then looks for the product on the board. The student then draws a line to connect any two dots that form part of the square around that product. The game continues until the board is filled with squares. Click here for a computerised dice roll if you haven’t got a dice at home.

Learning Intention:

We are learning to calculate the volume and capacity of prisms using familiar metric units.

Success Criteria:

  • I understand the difference between volume and capacity.
  • I can calculate the volume of a prism using the formula Volume = Length (l) x Width (w) x Height (h)
  • I can calculate the volume of rectangular prism shaped items around my house.

Use the formula V = Length (l) x Width (w) x Height (h) to calculate the volume of a rectangular or square prism.



Part 1:

Use the above formula to calculate the answers to the worksheet below.

Click here to print: Calculating Cubic Metres Worksheet

Part 2:

Find 5 rectangular prism shaped items around your home and calculate the volume of each item. Write the dimensions of the shape in your Homework book and don’t forget to show your working out.

Groups 1 & 2 – Measure to the nearest centimetre.

Group 3 – measure to the nearest millimetre.

Item examples:

  • Storage container
  • Lunchbox
  • Chest of drawers
  • Esky
  • Cereal box
  • Entertainment unit
  • T.V
  • Suitcase
  • tissue box

This afternoon, try another fun activity from Miss Dale & Mr A!



Tuesday 31st August

Learning Intention = We are learning to practice inferences by thinking about popular & well known fictional character, by combining ‘what I already know’ (prior knowledge) & clues that I have seen or read in text (text evidence)

Success Criteria = I can think about popular characters and make inferences about details I do not know about them, such as, eg: what might be in their pockets, backpack, fridge & car boot. I also understand that inferences can sometimes be called ‘educated guesses’, and that I cannot always check their accuracy.

Today you will be thinking about popular fictional characters and making inferences about them. This means you will be combining your prior knowledge and clues you already know about them, to create an ‘educated guess’ (inference).

Have you ever thought about what their favourite TV show might be? Or if they could have a pet – what would they pick?

Please watch the video before starting the activity today

Activity: Making Inferences about popular characters

#1 – Make some Inferences about the popular characters on the activity grid. Some of these fictional characters should be familiar to you…

#2 – You can print this proforma using the link below or complete it in your homework book. The choice is up to you.

#3 – Send it to your teacher.

Popular Character Inferences worksheet

Find the definition of your 8 spelling words. You can use a dictionary at home or an online dictionary. Make sure you write down is your word a NOUN, VERB or ADJECTIVE.

Learning Intention:

We are learning to edit our writing.

We can:

  • Use a checklist to edit our writing.
  • Make improvements to our writing during the editing process
  • Present our work to our teacher with no errors in capital letter/full stops or spelling.
  • Present our work to the teacher in one piece.

Today’s Activity: Use the following editing checklist to edit your persuasive writing. Use a different colour pen or font to demonstrate to your teacher where you have edited your work. Hint: Use red to correct spelling and punctuation and use green to correct meaning, language feature or synonyms.

Editing check list


Practice your Counting Goal for 5-10 minutes first – to warm up the brain!

Example of Multiplication squares worksheet.

You will need a partner to play this game,  or play on your own and see how many squares you can make each day. All you need for this game is two dice, the downloadable game board  (If you can’t print, use the game board posted on Seesaw or draw the grid in your Homework book), and two pens of different colors. One player rolls both dice, multiplies the two numbers together, then looks for the product on the board. The student then draws a line to connect any two dots that form part of the square around that product. The game continues until the board is filled with squares. Click here for a computerised dice roll if you haven’t got a dice at home.

Learning Intention:

We are learning to calculate the volume and capacity of prisms using familiar metric units.

Success Criteria:

  • I understand the difference between volume and capicity.
  • I can calculate the volume of a prism using the formula Volume = Length (l) x Width (w) x Height (h)

Use the formula V = Length (l) x Width (w) x Height (h) to calculate the volume of a rectangular or square prism.


Groups 1 & 2 task: Volume

Now that you have watched the video and read through the examples above, use the formula (V = l x w x h)  to work out the following questions on your worksheet. Remember to show all working out on your sheet or in your Homework book.

Click here: Group 1 & 2 Volume of Rectangular Prisms Worksheet

Group 3 Task – Additive Volume

Watch this video below

Click here to watch the above video: Recognise that volume is additive by finding the volume of a 3D figure composed of two rectangular prisms

Now that you have watched the above video, calculate the volume of each rectangular prism and add them together to find the total volume of the irregular shape. The answers are attached to this sheet, but please provide all working out with your answers so your teacher can see how you arrived at the correct answer.

Click here to print Group 3 Worksheet- Additive Volume


ChallengeBuild the tallest freestanding structure possible using only one deck of cards. No other materials (glue, tape, etc.) may be used to build your structure.
>> You can use playing cards, uno, monopoly change cards, trading cards.

  1. Can you make a structure taller than you?
  2.  Challenge a family member or classmate to build a taller one than you

Check out this video of the world’s best card stacker for some ideas:

Don’t have playing cards or uno cards, check out this video on how to make towers out of paper or paper card:

Send your teacher a photo or video of your card tower!

Monday 30th August


Learning Intention:

We are learning to make inferences about our biographical text, by combing ‘what I already know’ (prior knowledge) and clues from the text (text evidence).

Success Criteria

I can make general inferences using clues from the text (text evidence) and what I already know (prior knowledge), about my biographical text.

I can make an inference about the main character, based on his/her traits, in my biographical text.

I can make an inference about the supporting character, based on his/her traits, in my biographical text.

I can make an inference about the main character ability to make good/bad decisions, in my biographical text.

I can make an inference about an important lesson the main character learns, (and why this lesson was important) in my biographical text.

I can make an inference about the important message from the author for the reader, in my biographical text.

Please watch BOTH of these videos before continuing with the activity

Now that you have watched BOTH of the videos, you should remember what Inferences are, and the how they are different to other types of comprehension questions.


#1 – Read a chapter of your biographical text. (if you have not already done so)

#2 – Make some Inferences using the clues in the pages/chapters you have read so far.  Use the Success Criteria as a guide for your inferences today.

#3 – Use the proforma to complete the task today. You can print this proforma using the link below or write your summary in your Homework book.

What I Already Know

(Prior Knowledge)

+ Evidence from Text



(educated guess)

Seek the Sound – Find 15 /ll/ words in your books at home. When you have found 15 words, use these + your 8 spelling words and sort them in to spellings lists. (23 words total)

Learning Intention:

We are learning to write a 90 second speech using the persuasive writing structure.

We can:

  • Write a conclusion to sum up and close our writing
  • Include correct structure of a conclusion
  • Include a personal comment to convince my reader.

Click here to view in a larger version.

Today’s Activity: Once you have completed your spelling, finish your conclusion paragraph using the example above. Please really focus on correct structure!

Practice your Counting Goal for 5-10 minutes first – to warm up the brain!

Example of Multiplication squares worksheet.

You will need a partner to play this game,  or play on your own and see how many squares you can make each day. All you need for this game is two dice, the downloadable game board  (If you can’t print, use the game board posted on Seesaw or draw the grid in your Homework book), and two pens of different colors. One player rolls both dice, multiplies the two numbers together, then looks for the product on the board. The student then draws a line to connect any two dots that form part of the square around that product. The game continues until the board is filled with squares. Click here for a computerised dice roll if you haven’t got a dice at home.

Learning Intention:

We are learning to convert between different units of metric measure. (millilitres and litres)

Success Criteria.

  • I know how many millilitres are in a litre.
  • I can convert litres to millimetres.
  • I can convert millilitres to litres.

What are Volume and Capacity?

Watch this video below to refresh your memory on the difference between volume and capacity.

Activity:  Converting Millilitres to Litres and Litres to Millilitres

Today we are learning how to convert millilitres to litres and litres to millilitres.

1,000 Millilitres (mL) = 1 Litre (L)

Described image

Converting Litres to Millilitres:


Convert LIters to Milliliters math game - free to sign up | Techie teacher, Math measurement, Math classroom

To convert litres (L) to millilitres (mL) you multiple the litre quantity by 1000 because there are 1000mL in 1L.

For example.       3.4L x 1000 = 3400mL.

Converting Millilitres to Litres:


Convert Milliliters to Liters, Mathematics skills online, interactive activity lessons | Learning mathematics, Teaching math, Math measurementThere are 1,000mL in 1L, so when converting mililitres to litres you need to divide by 1000.

For example.  3450mL divide by 1000 = 3.450L


Print off today’s worksheet or write your question and answers in your Homework book.

Click here to print Group 1 Worksheet

Click here to print Group 2 Worksheet

Click here to print Group 3 Worksheet

Extension Worksheet: Write the questions and answers in your Homework book.  Don’t forget to include your working out.

Please continue to complete activity from the Under the Spotlight menu, or repeat the ones you’ve previously enjoyed!


Friday August 27th

CBCA Store. CBCA Book Week Bookmark 2020

BOOK WEEK ACTIVITY: Choose your favourite author – Find 3 front covers of their books and save to a word/PDF on seesaw.

Find 10 facts about your author, and make a poster.

Check out this great example from Cooper:

ANTHONY HOROWITZ book information

Work on finishing off your Persuasive Body Paragraphs.

Can add in 10 emotive words?

If you are finished your 3 body paragraphs see the inquiry project Grid Below.


Catch up on any MULTIPLICATION areas on IXL.


This term we have started learning about the Performing Arts – dance, music, drama and media.  Choose a different topic tothe one you did last time (dance, music, drama or media) and complete a minimum of 2 tasks about that topic.  All tasks will require a small amount of time to research the required information, be creative and complete the task with a satisfactory amount of effort for Grade 4/5/6 students.

Click here to see a larger view of the Inquiry Project_ The Performance – Under the Spotlight

Choose two activities from the Sport and Art Choice Board to complete today.

Click here to view a larger SPECIALISTS-CHOICE-BOARD


Thursday August 26th

Learning Intention:

We are learning to identify important ideas and information and organise them in summary form to use as background knowledge. 

  • SC1: I can find important ideas and information and collect them in an organised way.
  • SC2: I can identify important ideas in a text and report them in an organised way, either orally or in writing
  • SC3: I can find important ideas and information, I can organise them in summary form and I can use them for background knowledge in order to remember them for discussion.
  • SC4: I can find important ideas and information, I can organise them in summary form and I can use them for background knowledge in order to remember them for discussion and further learning.

FREE Summary Poster {using Somebody, Wanted, But, So, Then) | Reading workshop, Reading classroom, Teaching literacy

Watch the video below:


  1.  Read a chapter of your group text.
  2. Summarise what you have read using the SBWST (Somebody, Wanted, But, So, Then) proforma.  You can print this proforma using the link below or write your summary in your Homework book.
  3. Finally, Write it out – Write a summary paragraph using the SWBST information you filled out on the worksheet.

Click here to print SomebodyWantedButSoThen Worksheet

Learning Intention:

We are learning to write a 90 second speech using the persuasive writing structure.

We can:

  • Write 3 body paragraphs that include correct sentence structures
  • Include an opinion sentence that also restates the topic (Burger Bun)
  • Include 3 strong supporting details and elaborations (Burger toppings)
  • Include a concluding sentence that links back to the opening sentence
  • Include persuasive sentence starters and words (such as “I strongly believe”)
  • Use emotive language
  • Use strong vocabulary

Structure of Body Paragraph: Please look closely at each step BEFORE you begin writing.

First sentence: Connective, I sentence starter, restate topic, state YOUR opinion

Sentence 2-3: Next include your reasons: 2-3 sentences

Closing Sentence: You must restate the topic and connect to your first sentence, Don’t forget the bottom burger bun.

Today’s Task: Follow the structure above very carefully. Write your 3 body paragrahs. Do not forget CAPITAL LETTERS AND FULL STOPS before you hand it in!


Practice your Counting Goal for 5-10 minutes first – to warm up the brain!

Warm Up Activity – Dice/Card War (for extra fun, play against a family member)

Flip over 2 cards at the same time, eg: Player One flips a “7” and Player Two flips a “2” so 7 x 2 = 14. The first player to say the answer, eg: “14” keeps both cards in a separate pile. The game is over when all cards have been flipped (from both players starting piles). The winner is the player who answered more questions correctly (they should have a larger pile of ‘won’ cards).







(please continue down further for Option 2 – Multiplying Integers)


 Learning Intention – We are learning to solve multiplication word problems. These word problems can have more then one ‘step’ to work out the correct answer.

Success Criteria – I can use the ‘CUBES’ strategy to identify all the useful information in a word problem, and eliminate anything I don’t need to solve the answer.

Please watch the video below to refresh your memory on the CUBES strategy, BEFORE starting the activity.

Now that you have watched the video, please complete the activity below. YOU DO NOT have to write out the entire question, just the question number and show all of your working out.

ACTIVITY 1 = multiplication word problems

The answers have also been provided so you can check your work. Your teacher should be able to follow your ‘working out’ and see how you arrived at the correct answer.

When you have finished the multiplication word problems, please go onto IXL.

C2 Multiplication facts to 10: word problems

C10 Multiply by one-digit numbers: word problems

C29 Multiply by two-digit numbers: word problems

C31 Multiply three or more numbers: word problems



 Learning Intention – We are learning to solve sums involving the multiplication of positive and negative numbers (integers).

Success Criteria – I can multiply the digits in an integer question. I can use the rule to work out if the answer is positive (+) or negative (-). I can understand why the answers are positive and negative when I multiply them together.

Please watch the video below to refresh your memory on how to multiply integers together. It is very basic – but does the job.

Now that you have watched the video, please complete the activity below. Please remember to show all working out.

The answers have also been provided so you can check your work. Your teacher should be able to follow your ‘working out’ and see how you arrived at the correct answer.

If you are still a bit confused, that’s ok! Check out this website for a different explanation.

Activity 2 – multiply integers

The video below is possible the best one I have found to explain WHY integers are positive or negative when we multiply them together. **APPLAUSE HERE**

When you have finished the multiplication word problems, please go onto IXL.

C14 Integer multiplication rules

C15 Multiply integers

Today we will have a BIG LIFE WebEx Metting, at 10:15am. Please click on the link below to enter the meeting.

Big Life 4/5/6 WebEx


  1. Choose your own problem. It could be a real life problem or a challenging situation you have seen someone else go through. If you can’t think of one, you could choose one of the following problems:
    • You have an argument with a friend.
    • You accidentally broke something valuable at home.
    • You see someone being bullied.
  1. Write the problem in the middle (on the roundabout)
  2. Write a possible solution to the problem along each road.
  3. Write 2 positives and 2 negatives of each possible solution in the boxes.
  4. Circle the solution you would most likely choose first.

Wednesday August 25th

Learning Intention:

We are learning to identify important ideas and information and organise them in summary form to use as background knowledge. 

  • SC1: I can find important ideas and information and collect them in an organised way.
  • SC2: I can identify important ideas in a text and report them in an organised way, either orally or in writing
  • SC3: I can find important ideas and information, I can organise them in summary form and I can use them for background knowledge in order to remember them for discussion.
  • SC4: I can find important ideas and information, I can organise them in summary form and I can use them for background knowledge in order to remember them for discussion and further learning.

FREE Summary Poster {using Somebody, Wanted, But, So, Then) | Reading workshop, Reading classroom, Teaching literacy

Watch the video below:


  1.  Read a chapter of your group text.
  2. Summarise what you have read using the SBWST (Somebody, Wanted, But, So, Then) proforma.  You can print this proforma using the link below or write your summary in your Homework book.
  3. Finally, Write it out – Write a summary paragraph using the SWBST information you filled out on the worksheet.

Click here to print SomebodyWantedButSoThen Proforma



Our Spelling Sound

Our new sound of the week is ‘l’  sound as in ‘lollipop.’   The sound // can be represented by more than one spelling. /l/ could be <l> <ll> <al <el>  <le> <ol> <il>


Choose 8 words from the list below to practice this week.

  • sleep
  • smelly 
  • local 
  • novel 
  • rattle
  • patrol
  • dwelling
  • several
  • sequel
  • pencil
  • principle
  • protocol
  • hallucination
  • carousel
  • rhetorical
  • tranquility
  • apprehensible
  • cholesterol

Spelling Activity: Complete your Syllables and Segmenting for your 8 spelling words.

We are learning to write a 90 second speech using the persuasive writing structure.

We can:

  • Plan a persuasive piece of writing with 3 strong ideas.
  • Plan 3 body paragraphs
  • Practice writing a variety of sizzling starts.
  • Write an introduction.

Today’s activity: Write 3 sizzling starts and an introduction.

  1. Write 3 different sizzling starts
  2. Put a smiley face next to your favourite one
  3. Watch Miss Humphrys video on writing an introduction
  4. Write an introduction for your free choice topic.

Writing Persuasive Sizzling starts

  • Rhetorical Question
  • Rule of 3
  • Alliteration

Writing an introduction: Watch Miss Humphrys show you what to include in an introduction.

Remember to include:

-Sizzling start

– State your opinion

– Idea 1

– Idea 2

– Idea 3 counter argument

Closing Sentence

Send in your sizzling starts and introduction to your teacher.

Practice your Counting Goal for 5-10 minutes first – to warm up the brain!

Warm Up Activity – Dice/Card War (for extra fun, play against a family member)

Flip over 2 cards at the same time, eg: Player One flips a “7” and Player Two flips a “2” so 7 x 2 = 14. The first player to say the answer, eg: “14” keeps both cards in a separate pile. The game is over when all cards have been flipped (from both players starting piles). The winner is the player who answered more questions correctly (they should have a larger pile of ‘won’ cards).

 Learning Intention – We are learning to multiply fractions by multiplying the numerators (top numbers) together and the denominators (bottom numbers) together, using a visual model of a grid to improve our understanding

Success Criteria – I can multiply fractions using a visual model, by multiplying both numerators and both denominators in a grid shape

PLEASE WATCH BOTH VIDEOS BEFORE CONTINUING!! (One might be easier to understand than the other…)

Multiply fractions using a visual model

Today we are multiplying fractions using a visual model, so you can start to see what is actually happening. You will need some coloured pencils.

The answers have also been provided so you can check your work. Your teacher should be able to follow your ‘working out’ and see how you arrived at the correct answer. Please complete the activity below.

multiplying fractions visual practice task

Now you might be more confident having a go at the above explained visual method of multiplying fractions, without having them already coloured in for you. On the activity below, you will need to draw the grid and colour it in yourself – this will give you a good indication of how much you understand the topic.

multiply two fractions with grid

When you have finished multiplying fractions today, go onto IXL.

H.12 Multiply fractions

H.9 Multiply two unit fractions using models

The 2020-21 Tokyo Paralympic Games have begun.   Please choose 2 activities from the grid to complete today.

Click here for a bigger view of the Paralympics grid

Tuesday August 24th

Tuesday Logo | Name Logo Generator - I Love, Love Heart, Boots, Friday, Jungle Style

Learning Intention:

We are learning to identify important ideas and information and organise them in summary form to use as background knowledge. 

  • SC1: I can find important ideas and information and collect them in an organised way.
  • SC2: I can identify important ideas in a text and report them in an organised way, either orally or in writing
  • SC3: I can find important ideas and information, I can organise them in summary form and I can use them for background knowledge in order to remember them for discussion.
  • SC4: I can find important ideas and information, I can organise them in summary form and I can use them for background knowledge in order to remember them for discussion and further learning.

FREE Summary Poster {using Somebody, Wanted, But, So, Then) | Reading workshop, Reading classroom, Teaching literacy

Click here for a larger view of the Summary Poster using Somebody Wanted But So Then

Watch the video below:


  1.  Read a chapter of your group text.
  2. Summarise what you have read using the SBWST (Somebody, Wanted, But, So, Then) proforma.  You can print this proforma using the link below or write your summary in your Homework book.
  3. Finally, Write it out – Write a summary paragraph using the SWBST information you filled out on the worksheet.

Click here to print SomebodyWantedButSoThen Worksheet


Learning Intention:

We are learning to write a 90 second speech using the persuasive writing structure.

Success Criteria:

  • We can:
  • Plan a persuasive piece of writing with 3 strong ideas.
  • Plan 3 body paragraphs
  • Practice writing a variety of sizzling starts.
  • Write an introduction.

This week we are working towards presenting a 90 second speech on a topic of your choice. We will write this in the form of a persuasive piece. Each day we will add to our writing so that next week we can complete our speeches (videos).

Free choice topic: We would like you to choose a topic that you are PASSIONATE about. Choose a topic that you have lots of ideas about. If you are unsure see some topic ideas below.

Here are some topic ideas:

– All pets are important

– Woodford should have a school canteen

– Remote Learning is better than normal schooling

– We should learn more Aussie rules at school.

  • Today’s activity: Writing a plan

Today you will need to choose your topic and plan your arguments. Here is a planning page for you to use. If you don’t have a printer just rule up 3 boxes on your page. Remember to have 3 clear ideas and supporting details for your ideas. Send in a photo of your plan to your teacher.

Next level writing – Paragraph 3: Can you think of what the other side of the argument might say. If you want to take your writing to the next level, paragraph 3 can be a counter argument. Think of what the other side’s arguments might be and make suggestions as to why they are wrong.

See Miss Hutchins’ planning HERE for a piece of writing on: “Should children have pets”

Practice your Counting Goal for 5-10 minutes first – to warm up the brain!

Warm Up Activity – Dice/Card War (for extra fun, play against a family member)

Flip over 2 cards at the same time, eg: Player One flips a “7” and Player Two flips a “2” so 7 x 2 = 14. The first player to say the answer, eg: “14” keeps both cards in a separate pile. The game is over when all cards have been flipped (from both players starting piles). The winner is the player who answered more questions correctly (they should have a larger pile of ‘won’ cards).

 Learning IntentionWe are learning to multiply fractions by multiplying the numerators (top numbers) together and the denominators (bottom numbers) together

Success CriteriaI can multiply fractions, by multiplying both numerators and both denominators to form an answer as a fraction


How to multiply fractions 

So we are multiplying fractions today, please have a go and ask your teachers for help or clarification. The answers have also been provided so you can check your work. Your teacher should be able to follow your ‘working out’  and see how you arrived at the correct answer. Please complete the activity below.

multiply two fractions 1 

Now if that was a bit easy, you may find this more satisfactory: multiplying mixed numbers. If the first activity was a bit tricky today, please don’t try multiplying mixed numbers. Just skip down to the IXL logo…

How to multiply mixed numbers

If you think you’d like to have a try, there is an activity below. As before, the answers have been provided, so you can work out if you’re on the right track…

multiply two fractions 5

When you have finished multiplying fractions today, go onto IXL.

H.12 Multiply fractions

Under The Spotlight | Podcast on Spotify


There are all different styles of dance.  Today we are going to learn the 5-6-7-8 Dance.  This is a techno-pop/country dance and it is performed to the song, “5,6,7,8” by a British group called, Steps.  

Watch this video below to learn the steps to the 5-6-7-8 dance.  Once you have practiced and learnt the steps to the dance, video yourself performing the 5-6-7-8 dance and send on Seesaw. 

Music: (When you’re recording your video play this video for the music.)

Monday August 23rd

Guided Reading | Ideas for teaching


This week is Book Week. Record yourself reading your favourite picture storybook.  Practice reading out loud before filming yourself. Remember to use expression and change the tone of your voice.  Watch the video below.  This video shows an example of three kids reading out a story together.


Activity: Choose a spelling task from the Spelling Activity sheet in your Homework book to practice your Week 6 spelling words.



Our sound of the week is ‘s’  sound as in ‘peace’   The sound /s/ can be represented by more than one spelling. /s/ could be <s> <ss> <c <st>  <ce> <se> <sc> 

  • gross
  • castle
  • spice
  • sauce
  • muscle
  • rinse
  • oscillate
  • intense
  • finance
  • decent
  • glisten
  • heaviness
  • inconsistency
  • moistening
  • absorbency
  • adolescence 
  • disciplining
  • apprenticeship

Last week in maths all groups learnt to do the multiplication algorithm.
Today, we would just like you to practice the skill you already learnt last week.

1.2 The Long Multiplication Algorithm: Its woes and new ease. | G&#39;Day Math

Below you will find 2 worksheets of algorithms. You DO NOT have to do them both. Choose your level and complete what you can. Remember, this is to practice the skills you learnt last week in class. If it is too hard, please let your teacher know.

Click here for some practice algorithms.

Click here for some 3 digit multiplication algorithms.

Want something more: Try IXL

C.23 Multiply a two-digit number by a two-digit number: complete the missing steps

This week we are going to pause and focus on our wellbeing, and we have taken inspiration from this book:
It’s an absolute classic, with the message being “if you make others happy/feel good, then you will too”, and I think this is a really important message for us all at the moment. Click here if you’d like to read it. 
So over the weekend we have created the Woodford ‘Pay It Forward’ matrix, giving you lots of ideas that should (hopefully) make those around us feel good, which will make us feel good too.
Please feel free to complete or repeat as many as you like. We look forward to all our buckets being full!