Yr 5/6 Remote Learning Task #Week 2

Welcome to our Remote Learning Blog Space where Mr.A can post instructions and tips to help with your Learning from Home tasks within Science!

The Week 2 task ask students to gain an understanding about Penicillin after exploring types of bread in Week 1.

Here are your 4 steps to Complete Week 2 Science Lesson

‘The Penicillin Story’

  1. Read ‘Penicillin – the miracle mould’
  2. Highlight any unknown words throughout the text
  3. Use a dictionary if needed to clarify unknown words (dictionary.com may be a good help!)
  4. Complete worksheet 1 *headings included below

Have a go! Enjoy your new learning space at home! Mr.A


Year 5/6 Week 2 – Worksheet 1

Who are the main characters? What did they do? Where did it happen? When did it happen? Why was it important?