Prep 1 & 2 Science – Week 4 – Remote Learning Task

What’s It Made of ? WORD WALL POSTER

We use so many different materials around the house every day? What are they made of? What do they feel like to touch?

This week in Science we are making a poster and collecting things around the house which belong to each one of the categories listed below.

Collect your items under each heading, stick them on your poster or simply sit them on the sheet and take a photo of your completed collection.

Students can now send your completed Science work photos directly to Mr.A at the following address

Words for your A3 Poster (color sheet provided)


Happy Collecting!

Yr 3/ 4 – Remote Learning Task Week 4 – Night and Day T-Chart

Year 3/4’s – Let’s collect all the facts we think we know about Night & Day!

Are Owls really only active at night? Where do foxes go during the day? Why is the moon bright at night?

There are so many things we can wonder about which are right in front of us each day, and even more questions hidden in the dark of night.

Can you help sort out some facts?

Create a T chart on the back of this sheet.

On one side, under the heading Night – write down at least 10 facts you think you know about Night.

On the other side of the page, under the heading Day – write down at least 10 facts you know about Day.

Think you can write more than 10 facts for each? Go for it, you just may need another sheet of paper!

Not sure if your fact is correct? Write it down anyway – you can ask mum or dad later, or we can discuss it when we get back to school.

Yr 5/6 Remote Learning Task #Week 2

Welcome to our Remote Learning Blog Space where Mr.A can post instructions and tips to help with your Learning from Home tasks within Science!

The Week 2 task ask students to gain an understanding about Penicillin after exploring types of bread in Week 1.

Here are your 4 steps to Complete Week 2 Science Lesson

‘The Penicillin Story’

  1. Read ‘Penicillin – the miracle mould’
  2. Highlight any unknown words throughout the text
  3. Use a dictionary if needed to clarify unknown words ( may be a good help!)
  4. Complete worksheet 1 *headings included below

Have a go! Enjoy your new learning space at home! Mr.A


Year 5/6 Week 2 – Worksheet 1

Who are the main characters? What did they do? Where did it happen? When did it happen? Why was it important?