Remote Learning – Thursday 27th August

Reading – 15 minutes

Learning intention-We are learning to read our readers fluently and think about the story.
Success Criteria- I can read with a clear voice. I can read in phrases (words together), I can notice and use the punctuation. I can use expression when I am reading. I can answer the questions using the text to help me.

Wushka Task
Sign in to Wushka and complete your assigned task.

Onsite children to complete this task at home.

  • Books have been allocated to your child to match their reading level.
  • Read one allocated book today (the book has been assigned) and complete the comprehension questions (quiz). Students can also read other books if they wish.

*Please note, your teacher will be checking to check how you went with this task.

Sounds Write – 20 minutes

Dictation- listen to the dictation clip below to learn how to do dictation at home with your child. Read your child’s dictation aloud to them. Ensure you read the full sentence followed by only one word at a time. Once you have finished your dictation please send a photo to your classroom teacher via SeeSaw. Please ensure that your child sounds out the words independently. This will be used as an assessment task, do not worry if your child does not record all sounds. Encourage them to record all of the sounds that they know.

*Please send a photo of your child’s dictation to the classroom teacher via Seesaw.

Learning intentionWe are learning to say the sounds and write the words.

Prep The mad dog is on top of the pig pen. The man went in the van to the vet.

Initial Code – Unit 11 – Then Tash and Trish got some lunch from the bench in the shop. They said thanks to the thin man.

After completing the dictation task the children are to read the following text to revise ‘ch’ and practice ‘saying the sounds and reading the words’:

Mr Sanchez and the Kickball Champ

Extended Code – My mate Shane and I like to bake cakes on rainy days. We break the eggs on a plate and spray the tin so the cake won’t stick. I think our cakes are great!

After completing the dictation task the children are to read the following text to revise /ee/ and practice ‘saying the sounds and reading the words’:

Summer Fun at Duke Park

Sight Word Follow Up – Cut out the letters provided to spell your sight words/sounds-write words

Optional Webex Meeting for P/1O, P/1R, 1/2B & 2K– Refer to the codes sent to you via SeeSaw. This is an opportunity for the whole class to touch base and to ask questions.


Fluency– Use the sheet provided from school to trace over/write the alphabet. Ensure that your child is focusing using correct pencil grip along with the correct starting position.

Writing Task – Today you will choose a task from the August Writing Grid, or the new Writing Grid, to complete in your writing book. Make sure you record the task that you complete so you can keep track of the ones you’ve done.

Learning intention – We are learning to choose a topic to write about.
Success Criteria- I can make a choice about what I want to write about. I can talk about my ideas for writing. I can say the sounds and write the words. I can write my ideas into sentences. I can reread my writing and check that it makes sense. I can check to make sure I have included capital letters and full stops. 


Fluency (15 minutes)
Trace over the number sheet-  
Ensure that you start in the correct starting position
Counting goal- 
Practice your individual counting goal.

Tuning In Task – Doubles Card Game


Year One & Two

Applied Maths – Tallying

Learning intention – We are learning to use tally marks to count objects.
Success Criteria- I can use tally marks to record how many I have of an object. I can accurately record the number using tally marks. I can count by 5’s to work out how many I have tallied. I can make some observations about the data in my tally.

Watch the clip below to see how to tally.


Collect a large handful of Lego or something similar (for example a range of different coloured counters, buttons, pens).

Sort the Lego into groups based on the colour. Tally the colours in your book.

Year One

Collect a large handful of Lego or something similar (for example a range of different coloured counters, buttons, pens).

Sort the Lego into groups based on the colour. Tally the colours in your book. Using your tally, write a sentence to explain what you have found.

For example – red was the most popular coloured block.

Year Two

Collect a large handful of Lego or something similar (for example a range of different coloured counters, buttons, pens).

Sort the Lego into groups based on the colour. Tally the colours in your book. Using your tally write at least 3 sentences to explain and compare what you have found.

For example– there were 5 more green blocks compared to yellow blocks.


Specialist Subject – PE- Refer for Mr A’s blog for today’s activity


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