Thursday Week 2

Webex meetings will be held each day at 9:30am to mark the roll and to clarify expectations of daily work.


Meeting Number: 165 952 8797

Password: 3K



No Webex today for 3/4B as Mrs Buckle is on site supervising.

Reading fluency (15-30 mins):

  1. Read to self or read to someone (pet, doll, teddy, younger sibling…).
  2. Choose a good fit book or Wushka text (

Learning Intention:

We are learning to predict will happen in a story based on title, pictures, text and personal experiences

Success Criteria

  • SC1: I can make predictions based on the title of the book
  • SC2: I can make predictions based on the pictures on the cover of the book
  • SC3: I can make predictions based on writing in the book
  • SC4: I can make predictions using personal experiences

□ Independent Learning Task:

Making Predictions

Find a text on Wushka. Answer the following sentences by using evidence to support your thinking

  1. On the front cover I can see… so I think…
  2. In the blurb (reader description) I read… so I think…
  3. In the first paragraph I read… so I think…

You could make predictions about a character’s traits, genre, the problem, the ending, type of text, supporting characters etc.

Extension: Summarise the text you read.

□ Spelling Fluency (10 minutes):

Sentences: Put each of your words into a sentence. Remember to include full stops, capital letters and correct spelling.


Christmas is my favourite holiday.

Learning Intention:

We are learning to understand the fantasy genre

Success Criteria:

  • I can describe an object.
  • I can use adjectives to describe
  • I can create descriptive sentences.
  • I can use show, don’t tell.

□ Independent Learning Task: 

Object Description

What is the item in your story? What is it used for? Is your main character searching for the item or is the item helping your main character on their quest? Write a paragraph describing your item. Remember to show, don’t tell!


It wasn’t special to look at. It didn’t glisten, it didn’t shine. But you felt the magic that surrounded it. Perfectly rounded, wooden oak beads draped around the neck. Heavy in the middle was a imperfect oval ruby. It was dull, but if you looked close enough you could see movement like twinkling stars. 

□ Counting pattern fluency (10 minutes):

Practice multiplication (times tables) facts. You could use dice or cards. 

Optional: Complete any IXL Year 3 Multiplication Skill Builder tasks.

Learning Intention:

We are learning to understand fractions and decimals.

Success Criteria:

  • I can understand that fractions are numbers
  • I can understand that fractions are equal parts of a whole number or part of a group 
  • I can identify halves, thirds, quarters, fifths
  • I can understand that the numerator shows how many parts and the denominator shows equal parts

Tune in:

□ Independent Learning Task: 

Fractions of quantities – Worded Problems

Fraction Challenge Cards: Choose at least 4 challenge cards to complete.


Body Drumming

Find an upbeat song. Drum hands on any body part while listening to music. Feel the rhythm.




How many spiral shapes can you draw on a sheet of paper? Draw open spirals, tight spirals, big spirals, small spirals… fill in your page! This could then become a mindful colouring in activity.

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