Thursday Week 7

Today Mrs Buckle & Mrs Kenwright will be completing a Professional Practice day. We will be busy planning, assessing and analysing during this time. If you have any urgent enquiries, we will try to get back to you as soon as we can. We will not be giving any feedback today. Thank you for your understanding.

Happy Thursday: Best Wishes, Quotes, and Great Messages | KnowInsiders

Big Life

Today you are lucky enough to have Mel from Big Life host a meeting at 10:00am!!

Click on the link below to join in!

Meeting Number: 165 207 2974

Password: woodford

You will need a piece of paper and a pen/pencil for game during Big Life.

Below is the follow up activity. You can draw this in your book or complete on Seesaw. 

Reading fluency (15-30 mins):

  1. Read to self or read to someone (pet, doll, teddy, younger sibling…).
  2. Choose a good fit book or Wushka text (

Learning Intention: 

  • We are learning to bring knowledge from personal experiences to help us understand a text.

Success Criteria:

  1. I can bring knowledge from my own experience to help me understand the author’s opinion
  2.  I can use text, world and self connections to help me understand the author’s opinion

□ Independent Learning Task:

The Ecological Footprint

Read the article The Ecological Footprint and make a text to text, text to self and text to world connection. Record your answers in your homework book. 

Extension: Find the meaning of the unknown words in the text. Look them up in a dictionary or on Google and write the meaning in your own words.

□ Spelling Fluency (10 minutes):

Sentences: Put each of your words into a sentence. Remember to include full stops, capital letters and correct spelling.


The echidna was tunneling into the ground.

Learning Intention:

We are learning to write a recount.

Success Criteria:

  • I can describe the event in sequence.
  • I can include key information such as dates and locations
  • I can include interesting details.

□ Independent Learning Task: 

Today you are going to publish your camp recount. You may choose to do this any way you like. You can hand write it, publish it on Seesaw, make a poster… Be creative!

□ Counting pattern fluency (10 minutes):

Practice multiplication (times tables) facts. You could use dice or cards. 

Optional: Complete any IXL Year 3 Multiplication Skill Builder tasks.

Learning Intention:

  • We are learning to represent and solve problems involving multiplication using efficient mental and written strategies 

Success Criteria:

  • I can represent multiplication as arrays
  • I can understand the language of rows
  • I can understand that the first number tells how many rows, and the second the number in each row
  • I can understand that an array contains the same amount in total whether shown as 3 fours or 4 threes

Tune in:

□ Independent Learning Task: 

Multiplication Worded Problems

Complete the following activities on IXL.

Year 4 D.2 Multiplication facts to 10: word problems


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