Remote Learning- Wednesday 5th August

Reading- 15 minutes
Select reading in your reader cover to read to one of your favorite toys at home. Work on reading nice and fluently.

Fluency- Use the sheet provided from school to trace over the alphabet. Ensure that your child is focusing using correct pencil grip along with the correct starting position. Complete this task daily.
Writing Task-
Draw and write a sentence about something that makes you feel good. You may wish to include more than one idea. Write these sentences in your lined book.

Fluency– Use the sheet provided from school to trace over the numbers ensure you start in the correct starting position.
Tuning in- Watch Partners of Ten


Use playing cards or make number cards 1-10. Flip over ten cards and look for ‘partners of ten’. E.g.
7 + 3 = 10
5 + 5 = 10

Grade 1- Use playing cards or make number cards 1-10. Flip over ten cards and look for ‘ten’. You may use two three or four numbers to make ten. E.g.
7 + 3 = 10
5 + 3 + 2 = 10

Grade 2- As above for Grade 1 however challenge yourself by looking for combinations that add to 20. You may need more than 10 playing cards.



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