Wednesday 19th October 2022 – Sizzling Starts

10 minutes: Highlight the vowel sounds/consonant sounds in your spelling words. For example, wonderfu

Learning Intention:

We are learning how to write an exciting sizzling start for our Realistic Fiction narrative.

Success Criteria:

I can:

  • improve my first draft by adding and altering certain parts of my sizzling start.
  • edit and modify my chosen sizzling start.
  • improve the punctuation in my writing by making sure that I use capital letters, full stops and appropriate punctuation in my writing.
  • improve the vocab in my first draft, by adding tier 2 and 3 words.


  1. Look back over your two sizzling starts and pick the one you like best.   Then…
  2. Edit, modify, add and improve this sizzling start. It should look noticeably different after you have added/modified it. This should not be more than 2 paragraphs.

Things to check:

  • Does my sizzling start make sense.
  • How can I improve the content of my story?
  • Underline words that you’re not sure if you spelt right and clarify these words using a dictionary.
  • Is my sizzling start punctuated correctly? Make sure you have started each sentence with a capital letter and ended your sentence with a full stop.
  • Have I punctuated my dialogue correctly?
  • Does my sizzling start have enough descriptive language?

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