Thursday July 22nd

Learning Intention: We are learning to connect and compare all aspects of texts within genres and across genres.

Success Criteria:

  • SC1: I can make connections between this text and other similar texts that have been read or heard

  • SC2: I can make connections between the text and other texts that have been read or heard and demonstrate in writing.

  • SC3: I can connect and compare the fantasy genre and compare these to other genres.

  • SC4: I can connect and compare all aspects of texts within and across genres.

  • Activity:

Today’s task is to make connections and compare the Fantasy novel you are reading with a different fantasy text that you have read or watched before ( ie. the Wizard of Oz, Nemo, Shrek, etc.) Print off a Venn diagram from the link below or write a Venn diagram. See the example below.


Watch this video:

Work example:


Click here to print: Reading Venn Diagram template 


Word building: Find the base word of your spelling words and add prefixes and suffixes to make new words.  For example, 

Learning Intention:

We are using our learnt skills to create a short fantasy narrative. 

Success Criteria:

  1. I can include an interesting sizzling start.
  2. I can include fantasy characters, a problem, a quest, powers, setting, villain, conflict and resolution. 


Today’s task is to write a fantasy short story based on the picture prompt. You will be writing a fantasy narrative based on ONE of the pictures below. Remember to include all of the elements in a fantasy narrative.

You have the option to write the story, using voice to text or audio record the story. This story is different from the fantasy narrative you are planning. This is a task just for today. We are looking for your use of all the fantasy elements.

Choose one of the following prompts:


Practice your counting goal for 5-10 minutes.



Learning Intention:

We are learning to calculate the area of a 2-dimensional shape.

Success Criteria:

I can make a square or rectangle with lego or blocks and calculate the area of it by measuring the length and width. 

Measuring Area

Watch this video: Area 



  1. Make 5 different size rectangles or squares using lego blocks (5 in total).
  2. Measure their length and width.
  3. Group 1 & 2 measure to the nearest cm, Group 3 measure to the nearest mm. Then calculate the area for each. Write answers in your homework book. 

Work Sample:

Extension: If you would like a challenge

  1. Make an L-shaped shape.
  2. Measure and calculate the area for this shape. (Divide it into 2 sections, calculate the area for each and add them together – as on the youtube clip). Refer to the extension question on the work sample above.

Please post your work to Seesaw.

Research different tongue twisters and perform them using puppets or soft toys. Record your video and share it on Seesaw.

Watch this video to find out more about what tongue twisters are:

Research different tongue twisters and perform them using puppets or soft toys. Record your video and share it on Seesaw

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