On Friday we began our learning on Time:


TELL THE TIME TO 5MIN INTERVALS: If you are in grade 4, this is a definite for you!

Blog Homework Question:

List 10 things you do throughout the day and write down the time they happen! (eg. recess – 11:00am, Bedtime – 7:30pm)

Extension question:

Talk with an adult in your house about what am/pm means. Write down a definition together!



This week we began our Learning on the Human Body in Integrated Studies! In small groups we had to label as many body parts as we could! We learnt we know a lot of Teir 1 and Tier 2 words! (Ask your child to define these if you want to know more)

Our goal this term is to build our Tier 3 word Bank of Human Body words!

Today – We used these pictures to practice our sizzling start writing skills! See below for some of our Sizzling Starts!

Boof, Splash! Went Fred on a big board Skiing on a big wave. – Daisy

“Brrr, Brrr!” went Flora the dog as she was about to catch a big blue crashing wave. She shook and shivered as it crashed behind her! – Grace



“Aaaahhhhhhhh,” screamed Moo. 

“Why are you using me as a beach ball?” The dolphins were playing catch with Moo the Cow – Lucy M

“Yahoo,” went Monster the Cow and Slippy the dolphin as they flew through the air before splashing back into the water. Suddenly…. – Louis