Year 3-6 – Week 5 – Remote Learning P.E Challenge ‘1 in 100’

Year 3-6 – Week 5

Remote Learning P.E Challenge

We are all together this week Year 3-6’s – just like on Wednesday’s at school.

Why? Because this Mr.A Challenge is too much fun to miss out on!

I call it “1 in 100”

Here’s the plan. Find a goal which you can catch a ball in. A bin is good, a large tub, or maybe hula hoop.

Set yourself a task to get a ball into the goal. And have a go at it 100 times.

Here’s the trick though. Your task you create MUST BE HARD!

Like, even after 100 attempts – you may not have got it in yet!

Maybe it’s kicking the footy into the bin form 25 steps away, perhaps you’re throwing a basketball into the tub – over your head, or with your eyes closed!

The harder the better – because when you DO GET IT IN – YOU WILL FEEL LIKE A CHAMPION!

But, there are a few elements not to forget. Mark down how many attempts you have had – AND mark down how many times you are successful at your task, because…….

For every attempt you miss, you need to create a punishment!

Perhaps it’s a 20 metre sprint, maybe 3 star jumps. If you are not successful at your task, you will have to do this punishment 100 times!

*If you are playing alone, simply RUNNING FAST to go and get your ball when you miss is a good punishment. Perhaps you will get your ball – then run around a tree then back to your starting position. Doing this 100 times will affect your ability to get it in as you get tired!

Other ideas for ‘1-100’ – hitting a tennis ball into a target, rolling a table tennis ball into a cup, throwing a Frisbee into a tub.

HOT TIP – Set up a camera and film yourself attempting your task – then send it to Mr.A show we can show the school your brilliance on the blog,

If you can send your ‘1-100’ success clips or stories to Mr.A at

Mr. A shows how his ‘1 in 100’ task can be done at home on the Woodford PE blog page,

have a look at

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