Thursday 3rd June

Learning Intention: We are learning to search the text to answer questions, and identify the 3-4 most important points/facts in a text.

Success Criteria:

# I can search the text for answers to questions, using the keywords in the question to help me.

# I can identify the 3-4 most important pieces of information in a text and write them in dot points.

(Thursday) Independent Reading – 20mins

Prompt question (after reading) =

Book title:

What is the genre of your book?

What ages would enjoy your book? Eg: 7-11 year olds

Has this author written any other books?

Reading Activity – Read the text and answer the questions

THURSDAY – Plastic Pollution (Text)

Q1 – Which fact did you find most surprising? Explain why.

Q2 – What is 1 advantage and 1 disadvantage of Bioplastic?

Q3 – Which solution do you think has the most chance to be successful? Explain why?

Q4 – Summarise the most important 4 details.

15mins: Seek the Sound – Using a book, can you find new words with our sound of the week. Put them into columns from Tuesday.

Learning Intention: We are learning to identify the parts of an information report introduction.

  • We can:
  • Read an information report introduction
  • Identify the Hook, Topic Sentence, Definition, List of subtitles, and Topic Sentence restated.
  • Colour code each sentence in the paragraph to show understanding.

Today’s Task: Click the link here to find today’s worksheet. Today we would like you to highlight each part of the introduction. Use the box at the top to help with the colour coding.

Next: Write 5 fact or rhetorical question hooks that you could use for your own topic.

Practice your counting goal for 5 minutes.

Learning Intention:

We are learning to collect data and present our findings in one of the following graphs: bar graph, line graph, or pictograph.

Success Criteria:

I can:

  1. Present my findings in a graph.
  2. Accurately label the y axis and x axis.
  3. Include a meaningful title.
  4. Draw straight lines using a ruler.
  5. Present my work neatly.

Collecting Data;

In our morning check-in meeting today, our check-in question was ‘What is your favourite pet?’  We surveyed our class , collecting and recording our results. Present this data set in a graph of your choice (pictograph, line graph or bar graph).

Click here for a larger view of the table.

Decide how you are going to present this data, either using a line graph, bar graph or pictograph.

Click here to print off grid paper or draw your graph in your homework book.

Remember to:

  • Present your work neatly.
  • Use a ruler to rule all straight lines.
  • Label your graph and include a title.


Extension Activities: 

Finish any of the assigned activities that have been assigned this week.

Today we have a special Big Life WebEx Meeting at 11:30am.

Click Here to enter the Big Life meeting

Worksheets for today:

You can find these worksheets on Seesaw.


Wednesday 2nd June

Learning Intention: We are learning to search the text to answer questions, and identify the 3-4 most important points/facts in a text.

Success Criteria:

# I can search the text for answers to questions, using the keywords in the question to help me.

# I can identify the 3-4 most important pieces of information in a text and write them in dot points.

(Wednesday) Independent Reading – 20mins

Prompt question (after reading) = answer these details for your book: Main characters, supporting characters, setting/s, plot/problem

Reading Activity – Watch the video and answer the questions

WEDNESDAY – Mt Resilience (BTN)

(–> if you are having internet problems, a copy of the transcript can be read here)

Q1 – Is ‘wild weather’ becoming more common in Australia? Explain your thinking.

Q2 – What is the purpose of the Mt Resilience project?

Q3 – What are the weather-related disasters most likely to happen around where you live?

Q4 – Summarise the most important 4 details.

Word Building: Add prefixes and Suffixes to make as many as new words as possible. Here is the week 7 spelling list. Use all 10 of your spelling words.

Example: Pollute is the base word. Polluting, polluted, unpolluted, nonpolluting.

Extention: Don’t just do your 10 spelling words, Can you word build with the whole list?

Learning Intention: We are learning to use apostrophes on nouns to show possessiveness.

  • We can:
  • Identify the nouns in sentences
  • Add an (‘s) so the noun
  • Understand an (‘s) shows possessiveness
  • Understand the word possessiveness means ownership.

Apostrophe Rules

Did you know there are rules for adding apostrophe? We all know about adding an apostrophe for contractions, but today we are learning to add apostrophes to NOUNS to show possessiveness (who owns it).

Today’s Activity: Please see page one of this link singularpossessivenouns worksheet

Challenge: Can you add apostrophes to these sentences:

  1. The dog’s_ water bowl is empty.
  2. David___ shoes are too muddy for the car.
  3. Our friend___ name is Rachael.
  4. The teacher___ desk was very messy.
  5. The police officer___ badge was shiny.

Extension: Write 5 sentences about your family that might include an apostrophe for ownership.
(eg. This is my mum’s coffee mug)


Practice your counting goal for 5 minutes.

Learning Intention:

We are learning to interpret data and present our findings in a pictograph.

Success Criteria:

I can:

  • read data from a tally.
  • include an appropriate key.
  • include a title.
  • Include labels.
  • use a ruler to rule up all straight lines.
  • neat pictures that are all the same size.


picture graph, or pictograph, is a graph used to display information that uses images or symbols to represent data.

For example: 

Videos: How to create a pictograph.

Activity: A group of students were surveyed to find out their favourite type of fruit. Please look at the tally below and represent this data in a pictograph.

What is your favourite type of fruit?

Use the key above,  1 smiley face = 2 pupils (students) to make a pictograph. Draw a pictograph in your Homework book.

Extension: IXL Activities – Picture Graphs: Expectation 20mins a day

Grade 4: H.2, H.3

Grade 5: Q.6, Q.7

Grade 6: CC.1, CC.2

Today would be 3-6 Sport Wednesday! What winter sport activity are you doing? Can you head outside for some practice.

  • Kick and handball the footy with a family member.
  • Head to the court for some netball practice
  • Kick some soccer goals against a brick wall
  • Use a tennis or cricket bat to practice some bat swings for tee ball. Practice throwing and catching a tennis ball.

Can’t find something to practice your sport? Try this out:

Elementary Physical Education » P.E. Fitness Activities for Home

Tuesday 1st June

Learning Intention: We are learning to search the text to answer questions, and identify the 3-4 most important points/facts in a text.

Success Criteria:

# I can search the text for answers to questions, using the keywords in the question to help me.

# I can identify the 3-4 most important pieces of information in a text and write them in dot points.

(Tuesday) Independent Reading – 20mins

Prompt question (after reading) =

Summarise the 4 most important details/events in your book (in pages you have read so far…)

Reading Activity – Read the Text and answer the questions

TUESDAY – Sustainability (Text)

Q1 – What does sustainability mean?

Q2 – Explain the ‘3 pillars of sustainability’

Q3 – Explain why you think 1 person can make a difference to sustainability

Q4 – Summarise the most important 4 details.

Split Spelling – make columns  <oo>      <o-e>     <ew>        <ou>

Sort all the spelling words on the list into these columns, if time find more in your home readers. Can you sort all the words on the word list?

Writing: We are learning to make compound sentences with conjunctions.

We can:

    • Identify simple sentences (find the topic noun)
    • Join two simple sentences with a conjunction.
    • Rewrite sentences as compound sentences.

Click here to find your work for today.

Today’s task: You will see some simple sentences about what happens to paper and cardboard. Join the 2 simple sentences together, with a conjunction, to make a compound sentence. Write your sentences down the bottom.

Coordinating Conjunctions Made Simple with FANBOYS!


Practice your counting goal for 5 min.

Learning Intention:

We are learning to interpret data and present our findings in a Line Graph.

Success Criteria:

I can:

  1. Represent the data in a Line graph.
  2. Draw a vertical axis (y axis) and horizontal axis (x axis) correctly.
  3. Draw numbers along the y axis and the choices along the x axis.
  4.  Draw straight lines using a ruler.
  5. Include a title for my graph.
  6. Draw lines, linking the dots together.
  7. Present my work neatly.

Line Graphs

line graph is used to display information which changes over time. It is plotted on a graph as a series of points joined with straight lines.


John leaves for a road trip on his motorbike for seven days.  The number of kilometres covered by him per day is presented in a table below.  Analyse the data and present your findings in a line graph.


Day Of Travel

Distance travelled


Monday 70
Tuesday 65
Wednesday 42
Thursday 25
Friday 71
Saturday 70
Sunday 36

Click here to print off grid paper or draw your graph in your homework book.

Remember to include –

  • X and Y axis
  • Title
  • Labels
  • Scale

Question: How far did John travel over the seven day trip?

Extension: IXL Activities –

Find the following numbers in your recommendations.

Grade 4: H.4   H.5

Grade 5: Q.2   Q.3

Grade 6: CC.15   CC.16

# Continue researching your Sustainable Topic for your writing planner. Have you got 3-4 facts under each subtitle (Who, What, When, Where, Why, How). If your planner or planning is at school, work on collecting more dot points in your homework book (aim for 10 new facts).

#Continue working on Making Sustainable Change action plan. Some students are still finishing off their action plan. What will you need at school on Monday to begin making your campaign poster, video etc ?





Monday 31st June

Learning Intention: We are learning to search the text to answer questions, and identify the 3-4 most important points/facts in a text.

Success Criteria:

# I can search the text for answers to questions, using the keywords in the question to help me.

# I can identify the 3-4 most important pieces of information in a text and write them in dot points.

(Monday) Independent Reading – 20mins

Prompt question (after reading) = Summarise the important events in the story (in the part you just read)

Reading Activity – Watch the video and answer the questions

(–> if you’re having internet troubles click here for a transcript of the video)

MONDAY – Endangered Seeds (BTN)

Q1 – How many plant species in WA are considered threatened with extinction?

Q2 – What are some challenges or difficulties with collecting seeds?

Q3 – Why is this project considered to be so important?

Q4 – Summarise the most important 4 details.


Our sound of the week is long “oo” sound as in moon. The sound /oo/ can be represented by more than one spelling. /oo/ could be , <oo> <oe>  <ow <o-e><ui> <ou> Choose 8 words from the list below to practice this week:

  • kangaroo
  • moon
  • screw
  • pollute
  • horseshoe
  • balloon
  • juice
  • chewing
  • salute
  • brooding
  • withdrew
  • lawsuit
  • coupe
  • gruesome
  • manoeuvering (British spelling)
  • foolproof
  • magnitude
  • unscrewing

Today’s task is to find the syllables and segments (sounds) in your words. Let’s practise this using our new structure. See below a video for this task.

Writing: We are learning about simple and compound sentences.

I can:

    • Identify simple sentences
    • Identify compound sentences

Simple sentences:
Simple sentences have only one clause. This means that they have one
subject and a verb.
Example: The lion growled.
Compound Sentences:
Compound sentences are two or more simple sentences joined with a
Example: The lion growled but the mouse wasn’t scared.

Click here to download your worksheet. Read the sentences in the table below and tick the boxes to show whether they are compound or simple sentences.

This activity can be completed on seesaw as a PDF or printed in your homework book. Take a photo of your work to send to your teacher.

Extension: If you find this activity quick and easy, practice writing 3 compound sentences about your Passion project topic.

Practice your counting goal for 5 min.

Learning Intention:

We are learning to interpret data and represent it in a bar graph.

Success Criteria:

I can:

  1. Represent the data in a Bar graph.
  2. Draw a vertical axis (y axis) and horizontal axis (x axis) correctly.
  3. Draw numbers along the y axis and the choices along the x axis.
  4.  Draw straight lines using a ruler.
  5. Include a title for my graph.
  6. Clearly label the x axis and y axis.
  7. Present my work neatly.

Data Display and Bar Graph

Bar graphs can be used to show how something changes over time or to compare items. They have an x-axis (horizontal) and a y-axis (vertical). 

Watch this video below to refresh your memory on how to create a bar graph:

Example of a Bar graph:

Activity: A group of students were surveyed to find out the most favourite flavour of ice-cream in their year level.

Here is the data collected:

Click here: Data Tally

1. Use this data to create a bar graph in your homework book or on graph paper (link provided below).

Click here to print Graph paper

Remember to include:

  • A title
  • A scale (y axis)
  • Label each axis.
  • Present your work neatly.
  • Use  ruler to rule all straight lines.

2. When you have competed creating your bar graph, answer the following questions:

  1. What was the most favourite flavour of ice-cream?
  2. What was the least favourite flavour of ice-cream?
  3. What two flavours had the same amount of tally marks?

Extension: IXL Activities-

Grade 4: H.6, H.7

Grade 5: Q.4, Q.5

Grade 6: CC.10, CC.11




Friday 28th May

Looking for something to do today? Check out the list below:

15 mins Read to self on Wushka or a Chapter book of your choice.

I can take notes of research facts using dots points

If you want something to do today, keep researching your passion project topic. See above for an example of the dot points. 

Head to the Woodford Primary IXL page and check out what your teacher has set for you! If you have finished, practise any subtraction areas!

Group 3: Fraction Word Problems