
Keep a Journal. 
Writing in journals can be a powerful strategy for children to respond to literature, gain writing fluency, dialogue in writing with another student or the teacher, or write in the content areas. Children can also freely generate ideas for other types of writing as they journal.

Sounds-Write Words. Encourage your child to use the Sounds-Write words to practice writing. Use the same language we use in the classroom, ‘say the sounds, write the word’.

Shopping Lists. Set up a shop and write/draw shopping lists, receipts, notes for family members to collect things from the ‘store’, etc. Make it fun!

Party Invitations. Set up a party with teddies or a race day with toy cars. Write invitations to parents, siblings and teddies.

Recount. Write about what you did the day before or on the weekend.
On the weekend I…
I had a great time baking cookies with my mum yesterday! First… Next… Finally. 

I Went Walking. Listen to the text and discuss all the animals that the character met along the way.
Prep- Draw a picture and use the sentence starter: I went walking and I saw …
Grade 1 – Explain where you are walking and describe the animals you see. I was walking through the jungle and I saw a hairy orangutan swinging from a tree. Draw a picture of your favourite scene.


Silly Sally. Listen to the text. Focus on the rhyme. Create a list of words that rhyme, e.g. pig/wig, frog/log, cat/bat.
Prep- draw a picture of yourself walking through town with… Use the sentence starter: On the way I met a… pig with a wig/ frog on a log/ cat with a bat, etc. 
Grade 1- Discuss and create a list of words that rhyme. Extend sentences using the starter: On the way to town I saw an enormous frog jump over a log.  On the way to town I saw a silly pig dancing a jig.